* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskAspect.h"
#include <qalgorithms.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qmetaobject.h>
#include <qvector.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
static_assert( sizeof( QskAspect ) == sizeof( quint64 ),
"QskAspect::Aspect has to match quint64" );
using namespace std;
struct StateInfo
QskAspect::State state;
QByteArray name;
struct AspectRegistry
QVector< QByteArray > subControlNames;
unordered_map< const QMetaObject*, QVector< QskAspect::Subcontrol > > subControlTable;
unordered_map< const QMetaObject*, QVector< StateInfo > > stateTable;
static quint8 qskPrimitiveCount = QMetaEnum::fromType< QskAspect::Primitive >().keyCount();
quint8 QskAspect::primitiveCount()
return qskPrimitiveCount;
void QskAspect::reservePrimitives( quint8 count )
// applications might need to increase the count to add additional primitives
constexpr quint8 maxCount = 1 << 5; // we have 5 bits for the primitives
Q_ASSERT( count <= maxCount );
if ( count > maxCount )
qWarning() << "QskAspect: having more than"
<< maxCount << "primitives is not supported.";
count = maxCount;
if ( count > qskPrimitiveCount )
qskPrimitiveCount = count;
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC( AspectRegistry, qskAspectRegistry )
QskAspect::State QskAspect::registerState(
const QMetaObject* metaObject, State state, const char* name )
StateInfo info;
info.state = state;
info.name = name;
auto& stateTable = qskAspectRegistry->stateTable;
stateTable[ metaObject ] += info;
return state;
QskAspect::Subcontrol QskAspect::nextSubcontrol(
const QMetaObject* metaObject, const char* name )
auto& names = qskAspectRegistry->subControlNames;
auto& hashTable = qskAspectRegistry->subControlTable;
Q_ASSERT_X( names.size() <= LastSubcontrol, "QskAspect",
"There are no free subcontrol aspects; please modify your"
" application to declare fewer aspects, or increase the mask size of"
" QskAspect::Subcontrol in QskAspect.h." );
names += name;
// 0 is QskAspect::Control, so we have to start with 1
const auto subControl = static_cast< Subcontrol >( names.size() );
hashTable[ metaObject ] += subControl;
return subControl;
QByteArray QskAspect::subControlName( Subcontrol subControl )
const auto& names = qskAspectRegistry->subControlNames;
const int index = subControl;
if ( index > 0 && index <= names.size() )
return names[ index - 1 ];
return QByteArray();
QVector< QByteArray > QskAspect::subControlNames( const QMetaObject* metaObject )
const auto& names = qskAspectRegistry->subControlNames;
if ( metaObject == nullptr )
return names;
const auto subControls = QskAspect::subControls( metaObject );
QVector< QByteArray > subControlNames;
subControlNames.reserve( subControls.size() );
for ( auto subControl : subControls )
subControlNames += names[ subControl ];
return subControlNames;
QVector< QskAspect::Subcontrol > QskAspect::subControls( const QMetaObject* metaObject )
if ( metaObject )
const auto& hashTable = qskAspectRegistry->subControlTable;
auto it = hashTable.find( metaObject );
if ( it != hashTable.end() )
return it->second;
return QVector< Subcontrol >();
static QByteArray qskEnumString( const char* name, int value )
const QMetaObject& mo = QskAspect::staticMetaObject;
const QMetaEnum metaEnum = mo.enumerator( mo.indexOfEnumerator( name ) );
const char* key = metaEnum.valueToKey( value );
return key ? QByteArray( key ) : QString::number( value ).toLatin1();
static QByteArray qskStateKey( const QMetaObject* metaObject, quint16 state )
const auto& stateTable = qskAspectRegistry->stateTable;
for ( auto mo = metaObject; mo != nullptr; mo = mo->superClass() )
const auto it = stateTable.find( mo );
if ( it != stateTable.end() )
for ( const auto& info : it->second )
if ( info.state == state )
return info.name;
return QByteArray();
static QByteArray qskStatesToString(
const QMetaObject* metaObject, QskAspect::States states )
if ( states == 0 )
return "NoState";
if ( metaObject == nullptr )
const std::bitset< 16 > stateBits( states );
return stateBits.to_string().c_str();
// not the fastest implementation, but as it is for debugging only
QByteArray stateString;
bool first = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
const quint16 mask = 1 << i;
if ( states & mask )
if ( first )
first = false;
stateString += ", ";
const auto key = qskStateKey( metaObject, mask );
if ( key.isEmpty() )
const std::bitset< 16 > stateBits( states );
stateString += stateBits.to_string().c_str();
stateString += key;
return stateString;
static inline QDebug qskDebugEnum(
QDebug debug, const char* name, int value )
qt_QMetaEnum_debugOperator( debug, value,
&QskAspect::staticMetaObject, name );
return debug;
QDebug operator<<( QDebug debug, QskAspect::Type type )
return qskDebugEnum( debug, "Type", type );
QDebug operator<<( QDebug debug, QskAspect::Primitive primitive )
return qskDebugEnum( debug, "Primitive", primitive );
QDebug operator<<( QDebug debug, QskAspect::Subcontrol subControl )
QDebugStateSaver saver( debug );
debug << "QskAspect::Subcontrol" << '(';
debug << QskAspect::subControlName( subControl );
debug << ')';
return debug;
QDebug operator<<( QDebug debug, QskAspect::Placement placement )
qskDebugEnum( debug, "Placement", placement );
return debug;
QDebug operator<<( QDebug debug, QskAspect::States states )
qskDebugStates( debug, nullptr, states );
return debug;
QDebug operator<<( QDebug debug, QskAspect aspect )
qskDebugAspect( debug, nullptr, aspect );
return debug;
void qskDebugStates( QDebug debug,
const QMetaObject* metaObject, QskAspect::States states )
QDebugStateSaver saver( debug );
debug << "QskAspect::States( " << qskStatesToString( metaObject, states ) << " )";
void qskDebugAspect( QDebug debug, const QMetaObject* metaObject, QskAspect aspect )
QDebugStateSaver saver( debug );
debug << "QskAspect( ";
const auto subControlName = QskAspect::subControlName( aspect.subControl() );
if ( subControlName.isEmpty() )
debug << QByteArrayLiteral( "NoSubcontrol" );
debug << subControlName;
debug << ", " << qskEnumString( "Type", aspect.type() );
if ( aspect.isAnimator() )
debug << "(A)";
switch ( aspect.type() )
case QskAspect::Color:
if ( aspect.colorPrimitive() != 0 )
debug << ", " << qskEnumString( "ColorPrimitive", aspect.colorPrimitive() );
case QskAspect::Metric:
if ( aspect.metricPrimitive() != 0 )
debug << ", " << qskEnumString( "MetricPrimitive", aspect.metricPrimitive() );
if ( aspect.flagPrimitive() != 0 )
debug << ", " << qskEnumString( "FlagPrimitive", aspect.flagPrimitive() );
if ( aspect.placement() != QskAspect::NoPlacement )
debug << ", " << qskEnumString( "Placement", aspect.placement() );
if ( aspect.hasStates() )
debug << ", " << qskStatesToString( metaObject, aspect.states() );
debug << " )";
const char* QskAspect::toPrintable() const
QString tmp;
QDebug debug( &tmp );
debug << *this;
// we should find a better impementation
static QByteArray bytes[ 10 ];
static int counter = 0;
counter = ( counter + 1 ) % 10;
bytes[ counter ] = tmp.toUtf8();
return bytes[ counter ].constData();
QskAspect::State QskAspect::topState() const noexcept
if ( m_bits.states == NoState )
return NoState;
Before Qt 5.8 qCountLeadingZeroBits does not use
_BitScanReverse - we can live with this.
const auto n = qCountLeadingZeroBits( static_cast< quint16 >( m_bits.states ) );
return static_cast< QskAspect::State >( 1 << ( 15 - n ) );
#include "moc_QskAspect.cpp"