Name | |
void | qskSetItemActive(QObject * receiver, const QQuickItem * item, bool on) |
static void qskSetItemActive(
QObject * receiver,
const QQuickItem * item,
bool on
* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#include "QskLinearBox.h"
#include "QskLinearLayoutEngine.h"
#include "QskEvent.h"
#include "QskQuick.h"
static void qskSetItemActive( QObject* receiver, const QQuickItem* item, bool on )
For QQuickItems not being derived from QskControl we manually
send QEvent::LayoutRequest events.
if ( on )
auto sendLayoutRequest =
QEvent event( QEvent::LayoutRequest );
QCoreApplication::sendEvent( receiver, &event );
QObject::connect( item, &QQuickItem::implicitWidthChanged,
receiver, sendLayoutRequest );
QObject::connect( item, &QQuickItem::implicitHeightChanged,
receiver, sendLayoutRequest );
QObject::disconnect( item, &QQuickItem::implicitWidthChanged, receiver, nullptr );
QObject::disconnect( item, &QQuickItem::implicitHeightChanged, receiver, nullptr );
class QskLinearBox::PrivateData
PrivateData( Qt::Orientation orientation, uint dimension )
: engine( orientation, dimension )
QskLinearLayoutEngine engine;
QskLinearBox::QskLinearBox( QQuickItem* parent )
: QskLinearBox( Qt::Horizontal, std::numeric_limits< uint >::max(), parent )
QskLinearBox::QskLinearBox( Qt::Orientation orientation, QQuickItem* parent )
: QskLinearBox( orientation, std::numeric_limits< uint >::max(), parent )
QskLinearBox::QskLinearBox( Qt::Orientation orientation, uint dimension, QQuickItem* parent )
: QskIndexedLayoutBox( parent )
, m_data( new PrivateData( orientation, dimension ) )
auto& engine = m_data->engine;
for ( int i = 0; i < engine.count(); i++ )
if ( auto item = engine.itemAt( i ) )
The destructor of QQuickItem sets the parentItem of
all children to nullptr, what leads to visibleChanged
signals. So we better disconnect first.
setItemActive( item, false );
int QskLinearBox::elementCount() const
return m_data->engine.count();
qreal QskLinearBox::spacingAtIndex( int index ) const
return m_data->engine.spacerAt( index );
QQuickItem* QskLinearBox::itemAtIndex( int index ) const
return m_data->engine.itemAt( index );
int QskLinearBox::indexOf( const QQuickItem* item ) const
return m_data->engine.indexOf( item );
void QskLinearBox::removeAt( int index )
removeItemInternal( index, true );
void QskLinearBox::removeItemInternal( int index, bool unparent )
auto& engine = m_data->engine;
if ( index < 0 || index >= engine.count() )
auto item = engine.itemAt( index );
engine.removeAt( index );
if ( item )
setItemActive( item, false );
if ( unparent )
unparentItem( item );
void QskLinearBox::removeItem( const QQuickItem* item )
removeAt( indexOf( item ) );
void QskLinearBox::clear( bool autoDelete )
auto& engine = m_data->engine;
// do we have visible elements
const bool hasVisibleElements = engine.rowCount() > 0;
for ( int i = engine.count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
auto item = engine.itemAt( i );
engine.removeAt( i );
if( item )
setItemActive( item, false );
if( autoDelete && ( item->parent() == this ) )
delete item;
unparentItem( item );
if ( hasVisibleElements )
void QskLinearBox::autoAddItem( QQuickItem* item )
insertItem( -1, item );
void QskLinearBox::autoRemoveItem( QQuickItem* item )
removeItemInternal( indexOf( item ), false );
void QskLinearBox::activate()
void QskLinearBox::invalidate()
void QskLinearBox::setItemActive( QQuickItem* item, bool on )
if ( on )
QObject::connect( item, &QQuickItem::visibleChanged,
this, &QskLinearBox::invalidate );
QObject::disconnect( item, &QQuickItem::visibleChanged,
this, &QskLinearBox::invalidate );
if ( qskControlCast( item ) == nullptr )
qskSetItemActive( this, item, on );
void QskLinearBox::updateLayout()
if ( !maybeUnresized() )
m_data->engine.setGeometries( layoutRect() );
QSizeF QskLinearBox::layoutSizeHint(
Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF& constraint ) const
if ( which == Qt::MaximumSize )
// we can extend beyond the maximum size of the children
return QSizeF();
return m_data->engine.sizeHint( which, constraint );
void QskLinearBox::geometryChangeEvent( QskGeometryChangeEvent* event )
Inherited::geometryChangeEvent( event );
if ( event->isResized() )
void QskLinearBox::itemChange( ItemChange change, const ItemChangeData& value )
Inherited::itemChange( change, value );
#if 1
if ( change == QQuickItem::ItemVisibleHasChanged )
// when becoming visible we should run into polish anyway
if ( value.boolValue )
bool QskLinearBox::event( QEvent* event )
switch ( static_cast< int >( event->type() ) )
case QEvent::LayoutRequest:
case QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange:
layoutMirroring() ? Qt::RightToLeft : Qt::LeftToRight );
case QEvent::ContentsRectChange:
return Inherited::event( event );
void QskLinearBox::setDimension( uint dimension )
if ( m_data->engine.setDimension( dimension ) )
Q_EMIT dimensionChanged();
uint QskLinearBox::dimension() const
return m_data->engine.dimension();
void QskLinearBox::setOrientation( Qt::Orientation orientation )
if ( m_data->engine.setOrientation( orientation ) )
Q_EMIT orientationChanged();
Qt::Orientation QskLinearBox::orientation() const
return m_data->engine.orientation();
void QskLinearBox::transpose()
auto& engine = m_data->engine;
#if 0
#include <qendian.h>
for ( int i = 0; i < engine.itemCount(); i++ )
auto alignment = engine.alignmentAt( i );
qbswap( static_cast< quint16 >( alignment ) );
engine.setAlignmentAt( i, alignment );
// extraSpacingAt ???
if ( engine.orientation() == Qt::Horizontal )
setOrientation( Qt::Vertical );
setOrientation( Qt::Horizontal );
void QskLinearBox::setDefaultAlignment( Qt::Alignment alignment )
if ( m_data->engine.setDefaultAlignment( alignment ) )
Q_EMIT defaultAlignmentChanged();
Qt::Alignment QskLinearBox::defaultAlignment() const
return m_data->engine.defaultAlignment();
void QskLinearBox::setSpacing( qreal spacing )
we should have setSpacing( qreal, Qt::Orientations ),
but need to create an API for Qml in QskQml
using qmlAttachedPropertiesObject then. TODO ...
if ( m_data->engine.setSpacing(
spacing, Qt::Horizontal | Qt::Vertical ) )
Q_EMIT spacingChanged();
void QskLinearBox::resetSpacing()
const qreal spacing = m_data->engine.defaultSpacing( Qt::Horizontal );
setSpacing( spacing );
qreal QskLinearBox::spacing() const
// do we always want to have the same spacing for both orientations
return m_data->engine.spacing( Qt::Horizontal );
void QskLinearBox::setExtraSpacingAt( Qt::Edges edges )
if ( edges != m_data->engine.extraSpacingAt() )
m_data->engine.setExtraSpacingAt( edges );
Q_EMIT extraSpacingAtChanged();
Qt::Edges QskLinearBox::extraSpacingAt() const
return m_data->engine.extraSpacingAt();
int QskLinearBox::addItem( QQuickItem* item, Qt::Alignment alignment )
return insertItem( -1, item, alignment );
int QskLinearBox::addItem( QQuickItem* item )
return insertItem( -1, item );
int QskLinearBox::insertItem(
int index, QQuickItem* item, Qt::Alignment alignment )
if ( auto control = qskControlCast( item ) )
control->setLayoutAlignmentHint( alignment );
return insertItem( index, item );
int QskLinearBox::insertItem( int index, QQuickItem* item )
if ( item == nullptr || item == this )
return -1;
if ( qskIsTransparentForPositioner( item ) )
qWarning() << "Inserting an item that is marked as transparent for layouting:"
<< item->metaObject()->className();
qskSetTransparentForPositioner( item, false );
auto& engine = m_data->engine;
if ( item->parentItem() == this )
const int oldIndex = indexOf( item );
if ( oldIndex >= 0 )
// the item has been inserted before
const bool doAppend = index < 0 || index >= engine.count();
if ( ( index == oldIndex ) ||
( doAppend && oldIndex == engine.count() - 1 ) )
// already at its position, nothing to do
return oldIndex;
removeAt( oldIndex );
reparentItem( item );
index = engine.insertItem( item, index );
// Re-ordering the child items to have a a proper focus tab chain
bool reordered = false;
if ( index < engine.count() - 1 )
for ( int i = index + 1; i < engine.count(); i++ )
if ( auto nextItem = engine.itemAt( i ) )
item->stackBefore( nextItem );
reordered = true;
if ( !reordered )
const auto children = childItems();
if ( item != children.last() )
item->stackAfter( children.last() );
setItemActive( item, true );
#if 1
// Is there a way to block consecutive calls ???
return index;
int QskLinearBox::addSpacer( qreal spacing, int stretchFactor )
return insertSpacer( -1, spacing, stretchFactor );
int QskLinearBox::insertSpacer( int index, qreal spacing, int stretchFactor )
auto& engine = m_data->engine;
const int numItems = engine.count();
if ( index < 0 || index > numItems )
index = numItems;
index = engine.insertSpacerAt( index, spacing );
stretchFactor = qMax( stretchFactor, 0 );
engine.setStretchFactorAt( index, stretchFactor );
#if 1
// Is there a way to block consecutive calls ???
return index;
int QskLinearBox::addStretch( int stretchFactor )
return insertSpacer( -1, 0, stretchFactor );
int QskLinearBox::insertStretch( int index, int stretchFactor )
return insertSpacer( index, 0, stretchFactor );
void QskLinearBox::setStretchFactor( int index, int stretchFactor )
auto& engine = m_data->engine;
if ( engine.stretchFactorAt( index ) != stretchFactor )
engine.setStretchFactorAt( index, stretchFactor );
int QskLinearBox::stretchFactor( int index ) const
return m_data->engine.stretchFactorAt( index );
void QskLinearBox::setStretchFactor( const QQuickItem* item, int stretch )
setStretchFactor( indexOf( item ), stretch );
int QskLinearBox::stretchFactor( const QQuickItem* item ) const
return stretchFactor( indexOf( item ) );
void QskLinearBox::dump() const
const auto& engine = m_data->engine;
auto debug = qDebug();
QDebugStateSaver saver( debug );
const auto constraint = sizeConstraint();
debug << "QskLinearBox" << engine.orientation()
<< " w:" << constraint.width() << " h:" << constraint.height() << '\n';
for ( int i = 0; i < engine.count(); i++ )
debug << " " << i << ": ";
if ( auto item = engine.itemAt( i ) )
const auto constraint = qskSizeConstraint( item, Qt::PreferredSize );
debug << item->metaObject()->className()
<< " w:" << constraint.width() << " h:" << constraint.height();
debug << "spacer: " << engine.spacerAt( i );
debug << '\n';
#include "moc_QskLinearBox.cpp"
Updated on 28 July 2023 at 14:02:30 CEST