
Source code

 * QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
 * This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0

#include "QskObjectTree.h"

#include <qguiapplication.h>
#include <qquickitem.h>
#include <qquickwindow.h>

bool QskObjectTree::isRoot( const QObject* object )
    return object == QGuiApplication::instance();

QObjectList QskObjectTree::childNodes( const QObject* object )
    QObjectList children;

    if ( object == nullptr )
        const auto windows = QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows();
        for ( auto window : windows )
            children += window;
    else if ( object->isWindowType() )
        const auto childObjects = object->children();

        for ( auto child : childObjects )
            if ( child->isWindowType() )
                children += child;

        if ( auto w = qobject_cast< const QQuickWindow* >( object ) )
            // For some reason the window is not the parent of its contentItem()
            children += w->contentItem();
    else if ( auto item = qobject_cast< const QQuickItem* >( object ) )
        const auto childItems = item->childItems();

        for ( auto child : childItems )
            children += child;

    return children;

QObject* QskObjectTree::parentNode( const QObject* object )
    if ( object == nullptr )
        return nullptr;

    if ( object->isWindowType() )
        if ( object->parent() == nullptr )
            return QGuiApplication::instance();

    if ( auto item = qobject_cast< const QQuickItem* >( object ) )
        if ( item->parentItem() )
            return item->parentItem();

        return item->window();

    return object->parent();

void QskObjectTree::traverseDown( QObject* object, Visitor& visitor )
    const auto children = childNodes( object );
    for ( QObject* child : children )
        const bool done = visitor.visitDown( child );
        if ( !done )
            traverseDown( child, visitor );

void QskObjectTree::traverseUp( QObject* object, Visitor& visitor )
    QObject* parent = parentNode( object );
    if ( parent )
        const bool done = visitor.visitUp( parent );
        if ( !done )
            traverseUp( parent, visitor );

Updated on 28 July 2023 at 14:02:29 CEST