
Source code

 * QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
 * This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0

#include "QskStackBox.h"
#include "QskStackBoxAnimator.h"
#include "QskEvent.h"
#include "QskQuick.h"

#include <QPointer>

class QskStackBox::PrivateData
    QVector< QQuickItem* > items;
    QPointer< QskStackBoxAnimator > animator;

    int currentIndex = -1;
    Qt::Alignment defaultAlignment = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter;

QskStackBox::QskStackBox( QQuickItem* parent )
    : QskStackBox( false, parent )

QskStackBox::QskStackBox( bool autoAddChildren, QQuickItem* parent )
    : QskIndexedLayoutBox( parent )
    , m_data( new PrivateData() )
    setAutoAddChildren( autoAddChildren );


void QskStackBox::setDefaultAlignment( Qt::Alignment alignment )
    if ( alignment != m_data->defaultAlignment )
        m_data->defaultAlignment = alignment;
        Q_EMIT defaultAlignmentChanged( alignment );


Qt::Alignment QskStackBox::defaultAlignment() const
    return m_data->defaultAlignment;

void QskStackBox::setAnimator( QskStackBoxAnimator* animator )
    if ( m_data->animator == animator )

    if ( m_data->animator )
        delete m_data->animator;

    if ( animator )
        animator->setParent( this );

    m_data->animator = animator;

const QskStackBoxAnimator* QskStackBox::animator() const
    return m_data->animator;

QskStackBoxAnimator* QskStackBox::animator()
    return m_data->animator;

QskStackBoxAnimator* QskStackBox::effectiveAnimator()
    if ( m_data->animator )
        return m_data->animator;

    // getting an animation from the skin. TODO ...

    return nullptr;

int QskStackBox::itemCount() const
    return m_data->items.count();

QQuickItem* QskStackBox::itemAtIndex( int index ) const
    return m_data->items.value( index );

int QskStackBox::indexOf( const QQuickItem* item ) const
    if ( item && ( item->parentItem() == this ) )
        for ( int i = 0; i < m_data->items.count(); i++ )
            if ( item == m_data->items[i] )
                return i;

    return -1;

QQuickItem* QskStackBox::currentItem() const
    return itemAtIndex( m_data->currentIndex );

int QskStackBox::currentIndex() const
    return m_data->currentIndex;

void QskStackBox::setCurrentIndex( int index )
    if ( index < 0 || index >= itemCount() )
        // hide the current item
        index = -1;

    if ( index == m_data->currentIndex )

    // stop and complete the running transition
    auto animator = effectiveAnimator();
    if ( animator )

    if ( window() && isVisible() && isInitiallyPainted() && animator )
        // start the animation
        animator->setStartIndex( m_data->currentIndex );
        animator->setEndIndex( index );
        animator->setWindow( window() );
        auto item1 = itemAtIndex( m_data->currentIndex );
        auto item2 = itemAtIndex( index );

        if ( item1 )
            item1->setVisible( false );

        if ( item2 )
            item2->setVisible( true );

    m_data->currentIndex = index;

    Q_EMIT currentIndexChanged( m_data->currentIndex );

void QskStackBox::setCurrentItem( const QQuickItem* item )
    setCurrentIndex( indexOf( item ) );

void QskStackBox::addItem( QQuickItem* item )
    insertItem( -1, item );

void QskStackBox::addItem( QQuickItem* item, Qt::Alignment alignment )
    insertItem( -1, item, alignment );

void QskStackBox::insertItem( int index, QQuickItem* item )
    if ( item == nullptr || item == this )

    reparentItem( item );

    if ( qskIsTransparentForPositioner( item ) )
        // giving a warning, or ignoring the insert ???
        qskSetTransparentForPositioner( item, false );

    const bool doAppend = ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= itemCount() );

    if ( item->parentItem() == this )
        const int oldIndex = indexOf( item );
        if ( oldIndex >= 0 )
            // the item had been inserted before

            if ( ( index == oldIndex ) || ( doAppend && ( oldIndex == itemCount() - 1 ) ) )
                // already in place

            m_data->items.removeAt( oldIndex );

    if ( doAppend )
        index = itemCount();

    m_data->items.insert( index, item );

    const int oldCurrentIndex = m_data->currentIndex;

    if ( m_data->items.count() == 1 )
        m_data->currentIndex = 0;
        item->setVisible( true );
        item->setVisible( false );

        if ( index <= m_data->currentIndex )

    if ( oldCurrentIndex != m_data->currentIndex )
        Q_EMIT currentIndexChanged( m_data->currentIndex );


void QskStackBox::insertItem(
    int index, QQuickItem* item, Qt::Alignment alignment )
    if ( auto control = qskControlCast( item ) )
        control->setLayoutAlignmentHint( alignment );

    insertItem( index, item );

void QskStackBox::removeAt( int index )
    removeItemInternal( index, true );

void QskStackBox::removeItemInternal( int index, bool unparent )
    if ( index < 0 || index >= m_data->items.count() )

    if ( unparent )
        if ( auto item = m_data->items[ index ] )
            unparentItem( item );

    m_data->items.removeAt( index );

    auto& currentIndex = m_data->currentIndex;

    if ( index <= currentIndex )

        if ( currentIndex < 0 && !m_data->items.isEmpty() )
            currentIndex = 0;

        if ( currentIndex >= 0 )
            m_data->items[ currentIndex ]->setVisible( true );

        Q_EMIT currentIndexChanged( currentIndex );


void QskStackBox::removeItem( const QQuickItem* item )
    removeAt( indexOf( item ) );

void QskStackBox::autoAddItem( QQuickItem* item )
    removeAt( indexOf( item ) );

void QskStackBox::autoRemoveItem( QQuickItem* item )
    removeItemInternal( indexOf( item ), false );

void QskStackBox::clear( bool autoDelete )
    for ( const auto item : qskAsConst( m_data->items ) )
        if( autoDelete && ( item->parent() == this ) )
            delete item;
            item->setParentItem( nullptr );


    if ( m_data->currentIndex >= 0 )
        m_data->currentIndex = -1;
        Q_EMIT currentIndexChanged( m_data->currentIndex );

QRectF QskStackBox::geometryForItemAt( int index ) const
    const auto r = layoutRect();

    if ( const auto item = m_data->items.value( index ) )
        auto alignment = qskLayoutAlignmentHint( item );
        if ( alignment == 0 )
            alignment = m_data->defaultAlignment;

        return qskConstrainedItemRect( item, r, alignment );

    return QRectF( r.x(), r.y(), 0.0, 0.0 );

void QskStackBox::updateLayout()
    if ( maybeUnresized() )

#if 1
    // what about QskControl::LayoutOutWhenHidden

    const auto index = m_data->currentIndex;

    if ( index >= 0 )
        const auto rect = geometryForItemAt( index );
        qskSetItemGeometry( m_data->items[ index ], rect );

QSizeF QskStackBox::layoutSizeHint(
    Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF& constraint ) const
    if ( which == Qt::MaximumSize )
        return QSizeF();

    qreal w = -1.0;
    qreal h = -1.0;

    for ( const auto item : m_data->items )
            We ignore the retainSizeWhenVisible flag and include all
            invisible items. Maybe we should offer a flag to control this ?
        const auto policy = qskSizePolicy( item );

        if ( constraint.width() >= 0.0 && policy.isConstrained( Qt::Vertical ) )
            const auto hint = qskSizeConstraint( item, which, constraint );
            h = qMax( h, hint.height() );
        else if ( constraint.height() >= 0.0 && policy.isConstrained( Qt::Horizontal ) )
            const auto hint = qskSizeConstraint( item, which, constraint );
            w = qMax( w, hint.width() );
            const auto hint = qskSizeConstraint( item, which, QSizeF() );

            w = qMax( w, hint.width() );
            h = qMax( h, hint.height() );

    // minimum layout hint needs to be cached TODO ...
    return QSizeF( w, h );

bool QskStackBox::event( QEvent* event )
    switch ( static_cast< int >( event->type() ) )
        case QEvent::LayoutRequest:
        case QEvent::ContentsRectChange:
        case QskEvent::GeometryChange:

    return Inherited::event( event );

void QskStackBox::dump() const
    auto debug = qDebug();

    QDebugStateSaver saver( debug );

    const auto constraint = sizeConstraint();

    debug << "QskStackBox"
          << " w:" << constraint.width() << " h:" << constraint.height() << '\n';

    for ( int i = 0; i < m_data->items.count(); i++ )
        const auto item = m_data->items[i];

        debug << "  " << i << ": ";

        const auto constraint = qskSizeConstraint( item, Qt::PreferredSize );
        debug << item->metaObject()->className()
              << " w:" << constraint.width() << " h:" << constraint.height();

        if ( i == m_data->currentIndex )
            debug << " [X]";

        debug << '\n';

#include "moc_QskStackBox.cpp"

Updated on 28 July 2023 at 14:02:30 CEST