Name | |
class | QskSubWindow |
* QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
* This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0
#define QSK_SUB_WINDOW_H 1
#include "QskPopup.h"
class QskGraphic;
class QskTextOptions;
class QUrl;
class QSK_EXPORT QskSubWindow : public QskPopup
Q_PROPERTY( Decorations decorations READ decorations
WRITE setDecorations RESET resetDecorations NOTIFY decorationsChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( QString windowTitle READ windowTitle
WRITE setWindowTitle NOTIFY windowTitleChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( QskTextOptions windowTitleTextOptions READ windowTitleTextOptions
WRITE setWindowTitleTextOptions NOTIFY windowTitleTextOptionsChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( QUrl windowIconSource READ windowIconSource
WRITE setWindowIconSource NOTIFY windowIconSourceChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( QskGraphic windowIcon READ windowIcon
WRITE setWindowIcon NOTIFY windowIconChanged FINAL )
using Inherited = QskPopup;
enum Decoration
NoDecoration = 0,
TitleBar = 1 << 0,
Title = 1 << 1,
Symbol = 1 << 2
#if 0
MinimizeButton = 1 << 3,
MaximizeButton = 1 << 4,
CloseButton = 1 << 5
Q_ENUM( Decoration )
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS( Decorations, Decoration )
QSK_SUBCONTROLS( Panel, TitleBarPanel, TitleBarSymbol, TitleBarText )
QskSubWindow( QQuickItem* parent = nullptr );
~QskSubWindow() override;
void setDecorations( Decorations );
void resetDecorations();
Decorations decorations() const;
void setDecoration( Decoration, bool on = true );
bool hasDecoration( Decoration ) const;
void setWindowTitleTextOptions( const QskTextOptions& );
QskTextOptions windowTitleTextOptions() const;
void setWindowTitle( const QString& );
QString windowTitle() const;
void setWindowIconSource( const QString& );
void setWindowIconSource( const QUrl& );
QUrl windowIconSource() const;
void setWindowIcon( const QskGraphic& );
QskGraphic windowIcon() const;
bool hasWindowIcon() const;
QRectF titleBarRect() const;
QRectF layoutRectForSize( const QSizeF& ) const override;
void decorationsChanged( Decorations );
void windowTitleChanged();
void windowTitleTextOptionsChanged();
void windowIconChanged();
void windowIconSourceChanged();
bool event( QEvent* ) override;
void updateLayout() override;
QSizeF layoutSizeHint( Qt::SizeHint, const QSizeF& ) const override;
void itemChange( QQuickItem::ItemChange,
const QQuickItem::ItemChangeData& ) override;
class PrivateData;
std::unique_ptr< PrivateData > m_data;
Updated on 28 July 2023 at 14:02:30 CEST