QSkinny 0.8.0
C++/Qt UI toolkit
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QskControl Class Reference

Base class of all controls. More...

#include <QskControl.h>

Detailed Description

Base class of all controls.

QskControl combines the themeability implemented in QskSkinnable with what is needed to support a layout system, that is on par with what is known from Qt/Widgets.

QskControl::Disabled, QskControl::Hovered, QskControl::Focused

Definition at line 22 of file QskControl.h.

Inherits QskItem, and QskSkinnable.

Inherited by QskAbstractButton, QskBoundedControl, QskBox, QskComboBox, QskFocusIndicator, QskGraphicLabel, QskInputGrabber, QskInputPanel, QskPageIndicator, QskPopup, QskRadioBox, QskScrollBox, QskSegmentedBar, QskSeparator, QskStatusIndicator, QskSubWindowArea, QskTabView, QskTextInput, and QskTextLabel.

Public Slots

void setLocale (const QLocale &)
- Public Slots inherited from QskItem
void setGeometry (const QRectF &)
void show ()
void hide ()
void setHidden (bool)
void setDisabled (bool)
void resetImplicitSize ()


void backgroundChanged ()
void sectionChanged (QskAspect::Section)
void marginsChanged (const QMarginsF &)
void focusIndicatorRectChanged ()
void localeChanged (const QLocale &)
- Signals inherited from QskItem
void wheelEnabledChanged (bool)
void focusPolicyChanged (Qt::FocusPolicy)
void itemFlagsChanged ()
void updateFlagsChanged (UpdateFlags)

Public Member Functions

 QskControl (QQuickItem *parent=nullptr)
 ~QskControl () override
void setMargins (qreal)
void setMargins (qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
void setMargins (const QMarginsF &)
void resetMargins ()
QMarginsF margins () const
void setBackground (const QskGradient &)
void resetBackground ()
QskGradient background () const
void setBackgroundColor (const QColor &)
QRectF contentsRect () const
QRectF layoutRect () const
virtual QRectF layoutRectForSize (const QSizeF &) const
virtual QRectF focusIndicatorRect () const
virtual QRectF focusIndicatorClipRect () const
QRectF subControlRect (QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
QRectF subControlRect (const QSizeF &, QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
QRectF subControlContentsRect (QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
QRectF subControlContentsRect (const QSizeF &, QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
void setAutoLayoutChildren (bool)
bool autoLayoutChildren () const
void setSection (QskAspect::Section)
void resetSection ()
QskAspect::Section section () const override final
void setSizePolicy (QskSizePolicy)
void setSizePolicy (QskSizePolicy::Policy, QskSizePolicy::Policy)
void setSizePolicy (Qt::Orientation, QskSizePolicy::Policy)
QskSizePolicy sizePolicy () const
QskSizePolicy::Policy sizePolicy (Qt::Orientation) const
void setLayoutAlignmentHint (Qt::Alignment)
Qt::Alignment layoutAlignmentHint () const
void setPlacementPolicy (QskPlacementPolicy)
void setPlacementPolicy (QskPlacementPolicy::Policy, QskPlacementPolicy::Policy)
void setPlacementPolicy (Qsk::Visibilities, QskPlacementPolicy::Policy)
void resetPlacementPolicy ()
QskPlacementPolicy placementPolicy () const
QskPlacementPolicy::Policy placementPolicy (Qsk::Visibility) const
QskPlacementPolicy::Policy effectivePlacementPolicy () const
bool isVisibleToLayout () const
void setMinimumSize (const QSizeF &)
void setMinimumSize (qreal width, qreal height)
void setMinimumWidth (qreal width)
void setMinimumHeight (qreal height)
void setMaximumSize (const QSizeF &)
void setMaximumSize (qreal width, qreal height)
void setMaximumWidth (qreal width)
void setMaximumHeight (qreal height)
void setPreferredSize (const QSizeF &)
void setPreferredSize (qreal width, qreal height)
void setPreferredWidth (qreal width)
void setPreferredHeight (qreal height)
void setFixedSize (const QSizeF &)
void setFixedSize (qreal width, qreal height)
void setFixedWidth (qreal width)
void setFixedHeight (qreal height)
void setExplicitSizeHint (Qt::SizeHint, const QSizeF &)
void setExplicitSizeHint (Qt::SizeHint, qreal width, qreal height)
void resetExplicitSizeHint (Qt::SizeHint)
QSizeF minimumSize () const
QSizeF maximumSize () const
QSizeF preferredSize () const
QSizeF explicitSizeHint (Qt::SizeHint) const
QSizeF implicitSizeHint (Qt::SizeHint, const QSizeF &constraint) const
QSizeF sizeHint () const
qreal heightForWidth (qreal width) const
qreal widthForHeight (qreal height) const
QSizeF effectiveSizeHint (Qt::SizeHint, const QSizeF &constraint=QSizeF()) const
QSizeF sizeConstraint (Qt::SizeHint, const QSizeF &constraint=QSizeF()) const
QSizeF sizeConstraint () const
QLocale locale () const
void resetLocale ()
QVector< QskAspect::SubcontrolsubControls () const
QRectF subControlRect (const QRectF &, QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
 Calculate position and size of a subControl.
QRectF subControlContentsRect (const QRectF &, QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
 Calculate the inner rectangle for subControl.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QskItem
const char * className () const
bool isVisibleTo (const QQuickItem *) const
bool isVisibleToParent () const
bool hasChildItems () const
QRectF rect () const
QSizeF implicitSize () const
void setGeometry (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height)
void setGeometry (const QPointF &, const QSizeF &)
QRectF geometry () const
void setPosition (qreal x, qreal y)
void setSize (qreal width, qreal height)
void setPolishOnResize (bool)
bool polishOnResize () const
void setPolishOnParentResize (bool)
bool polishOnParentResize () const
void setFocusPolicy (Qt::FocusPolicy)
Qt::FocusPolicy focusPolicy () const
void setTabFence (bool)
bool isTabFence () const
void setWheelEnabled (bool)
bool isWheelEnabled () const
void setLayoutMirroring (bool on, bool childrenInherit=false)
void resetLayoutMirroring ()
bool layoutMirroring () const
void resetUpdateFlags ()
UpdateFlags updateFlags () const
void setUpdateFlag (UpdateFlag, bool on=true)
void resetUpdateFlag (UpdateFlag)
bool testUpdateFlag (UpdateFlag) const
void classBegin () override
void componentComplete () override
void releaseResources () override
bool isPolishScheduled () const
bool isUpdateNodeScheduled () const
bool isInitiallyPainted () const
bool maybeUnresized () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QskSkinnable
 QskSkinnable ()
virtual ~QskSkinnable ()
void setSkinlet (const QskSkinlet *)
 Set an individual skinlet to render/display the content.
const QskSkinletskinlet () const
QFont effectiveFont (QskAspect) const
qreal effectiveFontHeight (QskAspect) const
QskColorFilter effectiveGraphicFilter (QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
void setSubcontrolProxy (QskAspect::Subcontrol, QskAspect::Subcontrol proxy)
void resetSubcontrolProxy (QskAspect::Subcontrol)
QskAspect::Subcontrol subcontrolProxy (QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
bool setAnimationHint (QskAspect, QskAnimationHint)
QskAnimationHint animationHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
bool hasAnimationHint (QskAspect) const
bool setSkinHint (QskAspect, const QVariant &)
 Insert a hint into the local hint table.
bool resetSkinHint (QskAspect)
 Remove a hint from the local hint table.
bool moveSkinHint (QskAspect, const QVariant &)
bool moveSkinHint (QskAspect, const QVariant &, const QVariant &)
QskAnimationHint effectiveAnimation (QskAspect::Type, QskAspect::Subcontrol, QskAspect::States, QskSkinHintStatus *status=nullptr) const
QVariant effectiveSkinHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Find the value for a specific aspect.
virtual QskAspect::Variation effectiveVariation () const
QskSkinHintStatus hintStatus (QskAspect) const
QRectF subControlRect (const QRectF &, QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
 Calculate position and size of a subControl.
QRectF subControlContentsRect (const QRectF &, QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
 Calculate the inner rectangle for subControl.
QSizeF outerBoxSize (QskAspect, const QSizeF &innerBoxSize) const
 Calculate the size, when being expanded by paddings, indentations.
QSizeF innerBoxSize (QskAspect, const QSizeF &outerBoxSize) const
 Calculate the size, with paddings, indentations being subtracted.
QRectF innerBox (QskAspect, const QRectF &outerBox) const
 Calculate the rectangle, whith paddings, indentations being subtracted.
QRectF outerBox (QskAspect, const QRectF &innerBox) const
 Calculate the rectangle, when being expanded by paddings, indentations.
QMarginsF innerPadding (QskAspect, const QSizeF &) const
 Calculate the padding from attributes for the given aspect.
const QskSkinleteffectiveSkinlet () const
QskSkineffectiveSkin () const
void startTransition (QskAspect, QskAnimationHint, const QVariant &from, const QVariant &to)
void startTransition (QskAspect, int index, QskAnimationHint, const QVariant &from, const QVariant &to)
QskAspect::Subcontrol effectiveSubcontrol (QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
QskControlcontrolCast ()
const QskControlcontrolCast () const
virtual const QMetaObject * metaObject () const =0
void debug (QskAspect) const
void debug (QskAspect::State) const
void debug (QDebug, QskAspect) const
void debug (QDebug, QskAspect::State) const
void setSkinStates (QskAspect::States)
void setSkinStateFlag (QskAspect::State, bool on=true)
void addSkinStates (QskAspect::States)
void clearSkinStates (QskAspect::States)
bool hasSkinState (QskAspect::State) const
QskAspect::States skinStates () const
const char * skinStatesAsPrintable () const
const char * skinStatesAsPrintable (QskAspect::States) const
bool setColor (QskAspect, Qt::GlobalColor)
 Sets a color hint.
bool setColor (QskAspect, QRgb)
 Sets a color hint.
bool setColor (QskAspect, const QColor &)
 Sets a color hint.
bool moveColor (QskAspect, Qt::GlobalColor)
bool moveColor (QskAspect, QRgb)
bool moveColor (QskAspect, const QColor &)
bool resetColor (QskAspect)
 Removes a color hint from the local table.
QColor color (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves a color hint.
bool setMetric (QskAspect, qreal)
 Sets a metric hint.
bool moveMetric (QskAspect, qreal)
bool resetMetric (QskAspect)
 Removes a metric hint from the local table.
qreal metric (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves a metric hint.
bool setFlagHint (QskAspect, int flag)
 Sets a flag hint.
template<typename T >
flagHint (QskAspect, T=T()) const
 Retrieves a flag hint.
bool setPositionHint (QskAspect, qreal)
bool movePositionHint (QskAspect, qreal)
bool movePositionHint (QskAspect, qreal from, qreal to)
bool resetPositionHint (QskAspect)
qreal positionHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
bool setStrutSizeHint (QskAspect, const QSizeF &)
 Sets a metric hint.
bool setStrutSizeHint (QskAspect, qreal width, qreal height)
 Sets a strut size hint.
bool resetStrutSizeHint (QskAspect)
 Removes a strut size hint from the local table.
QSizeF strutSizeHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves a strut size hint.
bool setMarginHint (QskAspect, qreal)
 Sets a margin hint.
bool setMarginHint (QskAspect, const QMarginsF &)
 Sets a margin hint.
bool resetMarginHint (QskAspect)
 Removes a margin hint from the local table.
QMarginsF marginHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves a margin hint.
bool setPaddingHint (QskAspect, qreal)
 Sets a padding hint.
bool setPaddingHint (QskAspect, const QMarginsF &)
 Sets a padding hint.
bool resetPaddingHint (QskAspect)
 Removes a padding hint from the local table.
QMarginsF paddingHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves a padding hint.
bool setGradientHint (QskAspect, const QskGradient &)
 Sets a gradient as color hint.
QskGradient gradientHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves a color hint as gradient.
bool setBoxShapeHint (QskAspect, const QskBoxShapeMetrics &)
 Sets a shape hint.
bool resetBoxShapeHint (QskAspect)
 Removes a shape hint from the local table.
QskBoxShapeMetrics boxShapeHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves a shape hint.
bool setBoxBorderMetricsHint (QskAspect, const QskBoxBorderMetrics &)
 Sets a border metrics hint.
bool resetBoxBorderMetricsHint (QskAspect)
 Removes a border metrics hint from the local table.
QskBoxBorderMetrics boxBorderMetricsHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves a border hint.
bool setBoxBorderColorsHint (QskAspect, const QskBoxBorderColors &)
 Sets a border colors hint.
bool resetBoxBorderColorsHint (QskAspect)
 Removes a border colors hint from the local table.
QskBoxBorderColors boxBorderColorsHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves border colors hint.
bool setShadowMetricsHint (QskAspect, const QskShadowMetrics &)
bool resetShadowMetricsHint (QskAspect)
QskShadowMetrics shadowMetricsHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
bool setShadowColorHint (QskAspect, const QColor &)
bool resetShadowColorHint (QskAspect)
QColor shadowColorHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
QskBoxHints boxHints (QskAspect) const
bool setArcMetricsHint (QskAspect, const QskArcMetrics &)
bool resetArcMetricsHint (QskAspect)
QskArcMetrics arcMetricsHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
bool setStippleMetricsHint (QskAspect, const QskStippleMetrics &)
bool resetStippleMetricsHint (QskAspect)
QskStippleMetrics stippleMetricsHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
bool setSpacingHint (QskAspect, qreal)
 Sets a spacing hint.
bool resetSpacingHint (QskAspect)
 Removes a spacing hint from the local table.
qreal spacingHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves a spacing hint.
bool setAlignmentHint (QskAspect, Qt::Alignment)
 Sets an alignment hint.
bool resetAlignmentHint (QskAspect)
 Removes an alignment hint from the local table.
Qt::Alignment alignmentHint (QskAspect, Qt::Alignment=Qt::Alignment()) const
 Retrieves an alignment hint.
bool setTextOptionsHint (QskAspect, const QskTextOptions &)
bool resetTextOptionsHint (QskAspect)
QskTextOptions textOptionsHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
bool setFontRoleHint (QskAspect, const QskFontRole &)
 Sets a font role hint.
bool resetFontRoleHint (QskAspect)
 Removes a font role hint from the local table.
QskFontRole fontRoleHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 Retrieves a font role hint.
bool setGraphicRoleHint (QskAspect, int role)
 Sets a graphic role hint.
bool resetGraphicRoleHint (QskAspect)
 Removes a graphic role hint from the local table.
int graphicRoleHint (QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
 A Retrieves a graphic role hint.
bool setSymbolHint (const QskAspect, const QskGraphic &)
bool resetSymbolHint (const QskAspect)
QskGraphic symbolHint (const QskAspect, QskSkinHintStatus *=nullptr) const
const QskSkinHintTablehintTable () const
 Accessor for local skin hint table.
bool startHintTransitions (QskAspect::States, QskAspect::States, int index=-1)
bool startHintTransitions (const QVector< QskAspect::Subcontrol > &, QskAspect::States, QskAspect::States, int index=-1)
const QskHintAnimatorrunningHintAnimator (QskAspect, int index=-1) const

Static Public Attributes

static const QskAspect::Subcontrol Background
static const QskAspect::State Disabled
static const QskAspect::State Hovered
static const QskAspect::State Focused

Protected Member Functions

bool event (QEvent *) override
virtual void gestureEvent (QskGestureEvent *)
void hoverEnterEvent (QHoverEvent *) override
void hoverLeaveEvent (QHoverEvent *) override
bool childMouseEventFilter (QQuickItem *, QEvent *) override
void itemChange (ItemChange, const ItemChangeData &) override
void geometryChange (const QRectF &, const QRectF &) override
void initSizePolicy (QskSizePolicy::Policy, QskSizePolicy::Policy)
virtual void updateResources ()
virtual void updateLayout ()
virtual QSizeF contentsSizeHint (Qt::SizeHint, const QSizeF &) const
virtual QSizeF layoutSizeHint (Qt::SizeHint, const QSizeF &) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QskItem
 QskItem (QskItemPrivate &, QQuickItem *=nullptr)
bool event (QEvent *) override
virtual void changeEvent (QEvent *)
virtual void geometryChangeEvent (QskGeometryChangeEvent *)
virtual void windowChangeEvent (QskWindowChangeEvent *)
void mouseUngrabEvent () override
void touchUngrabEvent () override
void itemChange (ItemChange, const ItemChangeData &) override
void geometryChange (const QRectF &, const QRectF &) override
virtual void aboutToShow ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QskSkinnable
virtual void updateNode (QSGNode *)
virtual bool isTransitionAccepted (QskAspect) const
 Additional check if an transition should be started.
virtual QskAspect::Subcontrol substitutedSubcontrol (QskAspect::Subcontrol) const
QskSkinHintTablehintTable ()
 Accessor for local skin hint table.


QLocale locale
QskAspect::Section section
bool autoLayoutChildren
bool visibleToLayout
QskMargins margins
QskGradient background
QskSizePolicy sizePolicy
QskPlacementPolicy placementPolicy
QSizeF minimumSize
QSizeF maximumSize
QSizeF preferredSize
QSizeF sizeConstraint
- Properties inherited from QskItem
QRectF geometry
QRectF rect
bool tabFence
bool polishOnResize
bool polishOnParentResize
Qt::FocusPolicy focusPolicy
bool wheelEnabled
bool visibleToParent
bool hasChildItems
bool initiallyPainted
UpdateFlags updateFlags

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QskItem
enum  UpdateFlag {
  DeferredUpdate = 1 << 0 , DeferredPolish = 1 << 1 , DeferredLayout = 1 << 2 , CleanupOnVisibility = 1 << 3 ,
  PreferRasterForTextures = 1 << 4 , DebugForceBackground = 1 << 7

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QskControl()

QskControl::QskControl ( QQuickItem *  parent = nullptr)

Initializes focusPolicy to Qt::NoFocus and disables processing of wheel events. The default sizePolicy is QskSizePolicy::Preferred in vertical and horizontal direction.

Definition at line 49 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ ~QskControl()

QskControl::~QskControl ( )


Definition at line 60 of file QskControl.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ autoLayoutChildren()

bool QskControl::autoLayoutChildren ( ) const
Value of the autoLayoutChildren property
See also

Definition at line 87 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ background()

QskGradient QskControl::background ( ) const
Gradient that is used to fill the background
QskControl::Background | QskAspect::Color
See also
setBackground(), setBackgroundColor(), resetBackground()

Definition at line 109 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ backgroundChanged

QskControl::backgroundChanged ( )

Signal indicating, that the value of the background property has changed

See also

◆ childMouseEventFilter()

bool QskControl::childMouseEventFilter ( QQuickItem *  child,
QEvent *  event 

Definition at line 805 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ contentsRect()

QRectF QskControl::contentsRect ( ) const

Returns the area inside the controls's margins.

contentsRect() is a rectangle being used for laying out scene graph nodes, while layoutRect() is used for child items.

QskControl::Background | QskAspect::Metric | QskAspect::Padding
See also
margins(), setMargins(), layoutRect()

Definition at line 149 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ contentsSizeHint()

QSizeF QskControl::contentsSizeHint ( Qt::SizeHint  which,
const QSizeF &  constraint 
) const

Definition at line 975 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ effectivePlacementPolicy()

QskPlacementPolicy::Policy QskControl::effectivePlacementPolicy ( ) const

Definition at line 395 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ effectiveSizeHint()

QSizeF QskControl::effectiveSizeHint ( Qt::SizeHint  which,
const QSizeF &  constraint = QSizeF() 
) const

Definition at line 609 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ event()

bool QskControl::event ( QEvent *  event)

Definition at line 710 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ explicitSizeHint()

QSizeF QskControl::explicitSizeHint ( Qt::SizeHint  whichHint) const

Definition at line 573 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ focusIndicatorClipRect()

QRectF QskControl::focusIndicatorClipRect ( ) const

This is a specific rectangle, that can be returned to clip the focus indicator being displayed for a child item.

The default implementation return QQuickItem::contentsRect()

Definition at line 962 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ focusIndicatorRect()

QRectF QskControl::focusIndicatorRect ( ) const

Returns the rectangle where to draw the focus indicator

For controls, that implement some sort of internal focus chain ( list boxes, sliders with more handles ... ) the rectangle might change according to the state of the control.

The default implementation return contentsRect()

See also
QskFocusIndicator, focusIndicatorClipRect(), focusIndicatorRectChanged()

Reimplemented in QskListView, QskMenu, QskRadioBox, and QskSegmentedBar.

Definition at line 957 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ focusIndicatorRectChanged

QskControl::focusIndicatorRectChanged ( )

Signal indicating that the value of the focusIndicatorRect() has changed.

See also

◆ geometryChange()

void QskControl::geometryChange ( const QRectF &  newGeometry,
const QRectF &  oldGeometry 

Overload, that schedules a re-layouting of the child items when autoLayoutChildren() is enabled.

Definition at line 890 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ gestureEvent()

void QskControl::gestureEvent ( QskGestureEvent )

Definition at line 828 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ heightForWidth()

qreal QskControl::heightForWidth ( qreal  width) const
Preferred height for given a width.
See also
effectiveSizeHint(), widthForHeight()

Definition at line 688 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ hoverEnterEvent()

void QskControl::hoverEnterEvent ( QHoverEvent *  event)

Sets the Hovered state

See also
QskControl::Hovered, hoverLeaveEvent()

Definition at line 832 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ hoverLeaveEvent()

void QskControl::hoverLeaveEvent ( QHoverEvent *  event)

Clears the Hovered state

See also
QskControl::Hovered, hoverEnterEvent()

Definition at line 838 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ implicitSizeHint()

QSizeF QskControl::implicitSizeHint ( Qt::SizeHint  whichHint,
const QSizeF &  constraint 
) const

Definition at line 581 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ initSizePolicy()

void QskControl::initSizePolicy ( QskSizePolicy::Policy  horizontalPolicy,
QskSizePolicy::Policy  verticalPolicy 

A simpler version of setSizePolicy(), that does not send a QEvent::LayouRequest to the parentItem(). It is used in constructors of derived controls.

Definition at line 256 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ isVisibleToLayout()

bool QskControl::isVisibleToLayout ( ) const

Return true, when the control is relevant for layout calculations

A control has an impact on the layout calutaions, when:

See also
isVisibleToParent(), RetainSizeWhenHidden

Definition at line 400 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ itemChange()

void QskControl::itemChange ( ItemChange  ,
const ItemChangeData &   

Overload, that updates certain QSkinny specific attributes

Definition at line 844 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ layoutAlignmentHint()

Qt::Alignment QskControl::layoutAlignmentHint ( ) const

Definition at line 344 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ layoutRect()

QRectF QskControl::layoutRect ( ) const

Returns the area for laying out child items

layoutRect() is a rectangle being used for laying out child items, while contentsRect() is used for scene graph nodes.

F.e QskBox::layoutRect() returns an area that fits inside the ( maybe rounded ) borders, while the borders itself are rendered into the contentsRect().

The implementation relies on layoutRectForSize()

See also
layoutRectForSize(), contentsRect()

Definition at line 941 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ layoutRectForSize()

QRectF QskControl::layoutRectForSize ( const QSizeF &  size) const

Returns the geometry where to lay out child items for a given size.

layoutRectForSize() is intended to be overloaded, when layoutRect() is supposed differ from contentsRect()

sizeSize Bounding size for the control
Area, where to lay out the child items

Reimplemented in QskBox, QskDrawer, QskPushButton, QskSubWindow, and QskTabButton.

Definition at line 951 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ layoutSizeHint()

QSizeF QskControl::layoutSizeHint ( Qt::SizeHint  which,
const QSizeF &  constraint 
) const

Definition at line 981 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ locale()

QLocale QskControl::locale ( ) const
Value of the locale property
See also
setLocale(), resetLocale(), localeChanged() \saqt QEvent::LocaleChange

Definition at line 182 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ localeChanged

QskControl::localeChanged ( const QLocale &  )

Signal indicating, that the value of the locale property has changed

See also
locale \saqt QEvent::LocaleChange

◆ margins()

QMarginsF QskControl::margins ( ) const
margins around the contents of the control
QskControl::Background | QskAspect::Metric | QskAspect::Padding
See also
contentsRect(), setMargins() \saqt QEvent::ContentsRectChange

Definition at line 144 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ marginsChanged

QskControl::marginsChanged ( const QMarginsF &  )

Signal indicating, that the value of the margins property has changed

See also

◆ maximumSize()

QSizeF QskControl::maximumSize ( ) const
The explicit size hint for Qt::MaximumSize

Definition at line 224 of file QskControl.h.

◆ minimumSize()

QSizeF QskControl::minimumSize ( ) const
The explicit size hint for Qt::MinimumSize

Definition at line 219 of file QskControl.h.

◆ owningItem()

QskControl * QskControl::owningItem ( ) const

Implements QskSkinnable.

Definition at line 936 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ placementPolicy() [1/2]

QskPlacementPolicy QskControl::placementPolicy ( ) const

Definition at line 382 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ placementPolicy() [2/2]

QskPlacementPolicy::Policy QskControl::placementPolicy ( Qsk::Visibility  visiblity) const

Definition at line 390 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ preferredSize()

QSizeF QskControl::preferredSize ( ) const
The explicit size hint for Qt::PreferredSize

Definition at line 229 of file QskControl.h.

◆ resetBackground()

void QskControl::resetBackground ( )

Reset the background gradient to the default colors from the skin

QskControl::Background | QskAspect::Color
See also
setBackground(), setBackgroundColor(), background()

Definition at line 103 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ resetExplicitSizeHint()

void QskControl::resetExplicitSizeHint ( Qt::SizeHint  whichHint)

Definition at line 536 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ resetLocale()

void QskControl::resetLocale ( )

Reset the locale to be inherited from the parentItem()

See also
locale(), setLocale(), localeChanged() \saqt QEvent::LocaleChange

Definition at line 204 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ resetMargins()

void QskControl::resetMargins ( )

Reset the margins to the default value provided from the skin

QskControl::Background | QskAspect::Metric | QskAspect::Padding
See also
contentsRect(), setMargins(), margins() \saqt QEvent::ContentsRectChange

Definition at line 135 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ resetPlacementPolicy()

void QskControl::resetPlacementPolicy ( )

Definition at line 377 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ resetSection()

void QskControl::resetSection ( )

Definition at line 240 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ section()

QskAspect::Section QskControl::section ( ) const

Reimplemented from QskSkinnable.

Definition at line 251 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setAutoLayoutChildren()

void QskControl::setAutoLayoutChildren ( bool  on)

Set or clear the autoLayoutChildren property

See also

Definition at line 76 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setBackground()

void QskControl::setBackground ( const QskGradient gradient)

Set the gradient that is used to fill the background,

QskControl::Background | QskAspect::Color
See also
resetBackground(), background(), setBackgroundColor

Definition at line 97 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setBackgroundColor()

void QskControl::setBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  color)

A conveninece method for setting a monochrome gradient as background. Often used for debugging layout problems.

QskControl::Background | QskAspect::Color
See also

Definition at line 92 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setExplicitSizeHint() [1/2]

void QskControl::setExplicitSizeHint ( Qt::SizeHint  whichHint,
const QSizeF &  size 

Definition at line 550 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setExplicitSizeHint() [2/2]

void QskControl::setExplicitSizeHint ( Qt::SizeHint  whichHint,
qreal  width,
qreal  height 

Definition at line 567 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setFixedHeight()

void QskControl::setFixedHeight ( qreal  height)

Sets the height of the explicit size hint for Qt::PreferredSize and changes the vertical size policy to QskSizePolicy::Fixed.

Definition at line 515 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setFixedSize() [1/2]

void QskControl::setFixedSize ( const QSizeF &  size)

Sets the explicit size hint for Qt::PreferredSize and changes the size policy to QskSizePolicy::Fixed for both orientations.

The name of this method is misleading as it only sets a size hint, but does not change the size as it implies. Without a layout code, that respects this value it does not have any effect. However the name was chosen as with Qt/Widgets there is a corresponding call with the same semantics developers might be familiar with.

Definition at line 471 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setFixedSize() [2/2]

void QskControl::setFixedSize ( qreal  width,
qreal  height 

Sets the explicit size hint for Qt::PreferredSize and changes the size policy to QskSizePolicy::Fixed for both orientations.

Definition at line 489 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setFixedWidth()

void QskControl::setFixedWidth ( qreal  width)

Sets the width of the explicit size hint for Qt::PreferredSize and changes the horizontal size policy to QskSizePolicy::Fixed.

Definition at line 494 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setLayoutAlignmentHint()

void QskControl::setLayoutAlignmentHint ( Qt::Alignment  alignment)
QskControl::setPlacementPolicy( QskPlacementPolicy::Policy, QskPlacementPolicy::Policy )

\sa placementPolicy, effectivePlacementPolicy

/*! void QskControl::setPlacementPolicy( Qsk::Visibilities, QskPlacementPolicy::Policy );

See also
placementPolicy, effectivePlacementPolicy()

QskControl::placementPolicy() const;

See also
placementPolicy, effectivePlacementPolicy()

QskControl::placementPolicy( Qsk::Visibility ) const;

See also
placementPolicy, effectivePlacementPolicy()

QskControl::effectivePlacementPolicy() const;

Definition at line 333 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setLocale

void QskControl::setLocale ( const QLocale &  locale)

Set the locale for the control and all its descendents, that do not have their own locale

See also
locale(), resetLocale(), localeChanged() \saqt QEvent::LocaleChange

Definition at line 187 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMargins() [1/3]

void QskControl::setMargins ( const QMarginsF &  margins)

Sets the margins around the contents of the control

QskControl::Background | QskAspect::Metric | QskAspect::Padding
See also
contentsRect(), margins() \saqt QEvent::ContentsRectChange

Definition at line 124 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMargins() [2/3]

void QskControl::setMargins ( qreal  margin)

Sets the margins around the contents of the control

marginMargin for all sides
QskControl::Background | QskAspect::Metric | QskAspect::Padding
See also
contentsRect(), margins(), QskSkinnable::setMarginHint()

Definition at line 114 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMargins() [3/3]

void QskControl::setMargins ( qreal  left,
qreal  top,
qreal  right,
qreal  bottom 

Sets the margins around the contents of the control

leftLeft margin
topTop margin
rightRight margin
bottomBottom margin
QskControl::Background | QskAspect::Metric | QskAspect::Padding
See also
contentsRect(), margins(), QskSkinnable::setMarginHint()

Definition at line 119 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMaximumHeight()

void QskControl::setMaximumHeight ( qreal  height)

Sets the maximum height.

The maximum height is a synonym for the height of the explicit size hint for Qt::MaximumSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setMaximumSize(), setMaximumWidth(), maximumSize()

Definition at line 465 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMaximumSize() [1/2]

void QskControl::setMaximumSize ( const QSizeF &  size)

Sets the maximum size.

The maximum size is a synonym for the explicit size hint for Qt::MaximumSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setMaximumWidth(), setMaximumHeight(), maximumSize()

Definition at line 449 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMaximumSize() [2/2]

void QskControl::setMaximumSize ( qreal  width,
qreal  height 

Sets the maximum size.

The maximum size is a synonym for the explicit size hint for Qt::MaximumSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setMaximumWidth(), setMaximumHeight(), maximumSize()

Definition at line 454 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMaximumWidth()

void QskControl::setMaximumWidth ( qreal  width)

Sets the maximum width.

The minimum width is a synonym for the width of the explicit size hint for Qt::MaximumSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setMaximumSize(), setMaximumHeight(), maximumSize()

Definition at line 459 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMinimumHeight()

void QskControl::setMinimumHeight ( qreal  height)

Sets the minimum height.

The minimum height is a synonym for the height of the explicit size hint for Qt::MinimumSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setMinimumSize(), setMinimumWidth(), minimumSize()

Definition at line 443 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMinimumSize() [1/2]

void QskControl::setMinimumSize ( const QSizeF &  size)

Sets the minimum size.

The minimum size is a synonym for the explicit size hint for Qt::MinimumSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setMinimumWidth(), setMinimumHeight(), minimumSize()

Definition at line 427 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMinimumSize() [2/2]

void QskControl::setMinimumSize ( qreal  width,
qreal  height 

Sets the minimum size.

The minimum size is a synonym for the explicit size hint for Qt::MinimumSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setMinimumWidth(), setMinimumHeight(), minimumSize()

Definition at line 432 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setMinimumWidth()

void QskControl::setMinimumWidth ( qreal  width)

Sets the minimum width.

The minimum width is a synonym for the width of the explicit size hint for Qt::MinimumSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setMinimumSize(), setMinimumHeight(), minimumSize()

Definition at line 437 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setPlacementPolicy() [1/3]

void QskControl::setPlacementPolicy ( Qsk::Visibilities  visibilities,
QskPlacementPolicy::Policy  policy 

Definition at line 349 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setPlacementPolicy() [2/3]

void QskControl::setPlacementPolicy ( QskPlacementPolicy  policy)
See also
placementPolicy, effectivePlacementPolicy

Definition at line 364 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setPlacementPolicy() [3/3]

void QskControl::setPlacementPolicy ( QskPlacementPolicy::Policy  visiblePolicy,
QskPlacementPolicy::Policy  hiddenPolicy 

Definition at line 358 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setPreferredHeight()

void QskControl::setPreferredHeight ( qreal  height)

Sets the preferred height.

The preferred height is a synonym for the height of the explicit size hint for Qt::PreferredSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setPreferredSize(), setPreferredWidth(), preferredSize()

Definition at line 421 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setPreferredSize() [1/2]

void QskControl::setPreferredSize ( const QSizeF &  size)

Sets the preferred size.

The preferred size is a synonym for the explicit size hint for Qt::PreferredSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setPreferredWidth(), setPreferredHeight(), preferredSize()

Definition at line 405 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setPreferredSize() [2/2]

void QskControl::setPreferredSize ( qreal  width,
qreal  height 

Sets the preferred size.

The preferred size is a synonym for the explicit size hint for Qt::PreferredSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setPreferredWidth(), setPreferredHeight(), preferredSize()

Definition at line 410 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setPreferredWidth()

void QskControl::setPreferredWidth ( qreal  width)

Sets the preferred width.

The preferred width is a synonym for the width of the explicit size hint for Qt::PreferredSize.

See also
setExplicitSizeHint(), setPreferredSize(), setPreferredHeight(), preferredSize()

Definition at line 415 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setSection()

void QskControl::setSection ( QskAspect::Section  section)

Definition at line 215 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setSizePolicy() [1/3]

void QskControl::setSizePolicy ( QskSizePolicy  policy)

Set the value for the sizePolicy property

Definition at line 279 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setSizePolicy() [2/3]

void QskControl::setSizePolicy ( QskSizePolicy::Policy  horizontalPolicy,
QskSizePolicy::Policy  verticalPolicy 

Set the value for the sizePolicy property

horizontalPolicyPolicy for the width
verticalPolicyPolicy for the height

Definition at line 296 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ setSizePolicy() [3/3]

void QskControl::setSizePolicy ( Qt::Orientation  orientation,
QskSizePolicy::Policy  policy 

Modifies the value for the sizePolicy property

orientationSpecifies which part of the policy should be changed
policyPolicy for height or width

Definition at line 303 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ sizeConstraint() [1/2]

QSizeF QskControl::sizeConstraint ( ) const

Definition at line 209 of file QskControl.h.

◆ sizeConstraint() [2/2]

QSizeF QskControl::sizeConstraint ( Qt::SizeHint  which,
const QSizeF &  constraint = QSizeF() 
) const

Definition at line 704 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ sizeHint()

QSizeF QskControl::sizeHint ( ) const
The explicit size hint for Qt::PreferredSize
sizeHint() does exactly the same as preferredSize() and only exists because of being a name, that is well known from Qt/Widgets

Definition at line 214 of file QskControl.h.

◆ sizePolicy() [1/2]

QskSizePolicy QskControl::sizePolicy ( ) const
Value of the sizePolicy property

Definition at line 315 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ sizePolicy() [2/2]

QskSizePolicy::Policy QskControl::sizePolicy ( Qt::Orientation  orientation) const
orientationSpecifies the part of the policy
Height or width related part of the sizePolicy property

Definition at line 320 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ subControlContentsRect() [1/3]

QRectF QskSkinnable::subControlContentsRect ( const QRectF &  contentsRect,
QskAspect::Subcontrol  subControl 
) const

Calculate the inner rectangle for subControl.

The inner rectangle a subcontrol is its geometry with paddings, indentations being subtracted. F.e. the inner rectangle of QskPushButton::Panel is the bounding rectangle for laying out the QskPushButton::Text and QskPushButton::Graphic subcontrols.

contentsRectBounding rectangle for laying out the nodes of the skinnable
subControlUnsubstituted subcontrol
Geometry for contents inside the subControl
See also
QskSkinlet::subControlRect(), innerBox()

Definition at line 117 of file QskSkinnable.cpp.

◆ subControlContentsRect() [2/3]

QRectF QskControl::subControlContentsRect ( const QSizeF &  size,
QskAspect::Subcontrol  subControl 
) const

Calculate the inner rectangle for subControl for a rectangle at the position 0, 0 for the given size

sizeSize for the control
Inner rectangle of the subControl
See also

Definition at line 173 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ subControlContentsRect() [3/3]

QRectF QskControl::subControlContentsRect ( QskAspect::Subcontrol  subControl) const

Calculate the inner rectangle for subControl calculated from contentsRect.

Inner rectangle of the subControl
See also

Definition at line 168 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ subControlRect() [1/3]

QRectF QskSkinnable::subControlRect ( const QRectF &  contentsRect,
QskAspect::Subcontrol  subControl 
) const

Calculate position and size of a subControl.

A convenience method that forwards the calculation to the skinlet

contentsRectBounding rectangle for laying out the nodes of the skinnable
subControlUnsubstituted subcontrol
Geometry for the subControl
See also
effectiveSkinlet(), QskSkinlet::subControlRect(), QskControl::contentsRect()

Definition at line 116 of file QskSkinnable.cpp.

◆ subControlRect() [2/3]

QRectF QskControl::subControlRect ( const QSizeF &  size,
QskAspect::Subcontrol  subControl 
) const

Calculates the rectangle for a subcontrol inside a rectangle at the position 0, 0 for the given size

sizeSize for the control
Bounding rectangle for the subControl
See also

Definition at line 159 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ subControlRect() [3/3]

QRectF QskControl::subControlRect ( QskAspect::Subcontrol  subControl) const

Calculates the rectangle for a subcontrol from contentsRect().

Bounding rectangle for the subControl
See also

Definition at line 154 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ subControls()

QVector< QskAspect::Subcontrol > QskControl::subControls ( ) const

Calculates and returns a list of all effective subcontrols, that have been defined for the corresponding metaObject(). This list can be used to decide if a skin hint for specific subControl might have an impact on a control.

See also
QskAspect::subControls(), QskControl::effectiveSubcontrol()

Definition at line 1021 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ updateItemPaintNode()

QSGNode * QskControl::updateItemPaintNode ( QSGNode *  node)

Reimplemented from QskItem.

Definition at line 927 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ updateItemPolish()

void QskControl::updateItemPolish ( )

Reimplemented from QskItem.

Definition at line 902 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ updateLayout()

void QskControl::updateLayout ( )

Definition at line 967 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ updateResources()

void QskControl::updateResources ( )

Definition at line 971 of file QskControl.cpp.

◆ widthForHeight()

qreal QskControl::widthForHeight ( qreal  height) const
Preferred width for given a height.
See also
effectiveSizeHint(), heightForWidth()

Definition at line 696 of file QskControl.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Background

const QskAspect::Subcontrol QskControl::Background

Definition at line 55 of file QskControl.h.

◆ Disabled

A state bit that is set, when QQuickItem::isEnabled() == false.
See also
QskItem::setDisabled() \saqt QQuickItem::enabled

Definition at line 56 of file QskControl.h.

◆ Focused

A state bit that is set, when the item is the active focus item
See also
focusPolicy \saqt QQuickItem::acceptHoverEvents(), QQuickItem::focusInEvent() QQuickItem::focusOutEvent()

Definition at line 56 of file QskControl.h.

◆ Hovered

A state bit that is set, when the item is hovered
It allows to define a specific representation in the skin,
when being hovered.

\saqt QQuickItem::acceptHoverEvents(), QQuickItem::hoverEnterEvent(), QQuickItem::hoverLeaveEvent()

Definition at line 56 of file QskControl.h.

Property Documentation

◆ autoLayoutChildren

bool QskControl::autoLayoutChildren

QskControl offers basic layout functionalities that can be enabled be setting the autoLayoutChildren flag. The default setting is false.

Auto layouting calculates and assignes the geometries of childItems()

  • when polishing - inside of the rectangle specified by layoutRect(). Size and alignment of the child depends on the specific layout constraints of the child.

Child items, where the transparentForPositioners flag is set, are excluded.

Access functions:
autoLayoutChildren(), setAutoLayoutChildren()
See also
layoutRect(), layoutHints(), layoutAlignmentHint(), QskItem::transparentForPositioners \saqt QQuickItem::updatePolish()
Auto layouting is similar to what happens when putting several items into the same cell of a QskGridBox.
Access functions:
autoLayoutChildren(), setAutoLayoutChildren()

Definition at line 32 of file QskControl.h.

◆ background

QskGradient QskControl::background
Access functions:
background(), setBackground(), resetBackground(), backgroundChanged()

Definition at line 40 of file QskControl.h.

◆ locale

QLocale QskControl::locale

The locale of the control

As long as no special locale has been set, this is the locale of the parentItem(). If none of the ancestors has a special locale it is the locale of the window ( in case it is a QskWindow ). Otherwise it is is the default locale.

Access functions:
locale(), setLocale(), resetLocale(), localeChanged()

Definition at line 26 of file QskControl.h.

◆ margins

QskMargins QskControl::margins
Access functions:
margins(), setMargins(), resetMargins(), marginsChanged()

Definition at line 37 of file QskControl.h.

◆ maximumSize

QSizeF QskControl::maximumSize
Access functions:
maximumSize(), setMaximumSize()
See also
effectiveSizeHint(), setExplicitSizeHint() setMaximumWidth(), setMaximumHeight()

Definition at line 48 of file QskControl.h.

◆ minimumSize

QSizeF QskControl::minimumSize
Access functions:
minimumSize(), setMinimumSize()
See also
effectiveSizeHint(), setExplicitSizeHint() setMinimumWidth(), setMinimumHeight()

Definition at line 47 of file QskControl.h.

◆ placementPolicy

QskPlacementPolicy QskControl::placementPolicy
Access functions:
placementPolicy(), setPlacementPolicy()
See also
sizePolicy, effectivePlacementPolicy()

Definition at line 44 of file QskControl.h.

◆ preferredSize

QSizeF QskControl::preferredSize
Access functions:
preferredSize(), setPreferredSize()
See also
effectiveSizeHint(), setExplicitSizeHint(), setPreferredWidth(), setPreferredHeight()

Definition at line 49 of file QskControl.h.

◆ section

QskAspect::Section QskControl::section

Definition at line 29 of file QskControl.h.

◆ sizeConstraint

QSizeF QskControl::sizeConstraint
Access functions:

Definition at line 50 of file QskControl.h.

◆ sizePolicy

QskSizePolicy QskControl::sizePolicy
Access functions:
sizePolicy(), setSizePolicy()
See also

Definition at line 43 of file QskControl.h.

◆ visibleToLayout

bool QskControl::visibleToLayout

Allows calling isVisibleToLayout() as a property.

Access functions:

Definition at line 35 of file QskControl.h.