

void qskRegisterArcMetrics()
qreal qskInterpolated(qreal from, qreal to, qreal ratio)
qreal qskAbsoluted(qreal length, qreal percentage)
QDebug operator«(QDebug debug, const QskArcMetrics & metrics)

Functions Documentation

function qskRegisterArcMetrics

static void qskRegisterArcMetrics()

function qskInterpolated

static inline qreal qskInterpolated(
    qreal from,
    qreal to,
    qreal ratio

function qskAbsoluted

static inline qreal qskAbsoluted(
    qreal length,
    qreal percentage

function operator«

QDebug operator<<(
    QDebug debug,
    const QskArcMetrics & metrics

Source code

 * QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2021 Uwe Rathmann
 * This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0

#include "QskArcMetrics.h"

#include <qhashfunctions.h>
#include <qvariant.h>

static void qskRegisterArcMetrics()
    qRegisterMetaType< QskArcMetrics >();

Q_CONSTRUCTOR_FUNCTION( qskRegisterArcMetrics )

static inline qreal qskInterpolated( qreal from, qreal to, qreal ratio )
    return from + ( to - from ) * ratio;

static inline qreal qskAbsoluted( qreal length, qreal percentage )
    // 100% means -> 0.5 of length
    percentage = qBound( 0.0, percentage, 100.0 );
    return percentage / 100.0 * 0.5 * length;

void QskArcMetrics::setWidth( qreal width ) noexcept
    m_width = width;

void QskArcMetrics::setStartAngle( qreal startAngle ) noexcept
    m_startAngle = startAngle;

void QskArcMetrics::setSpanAngle( qreal spanAngle ) noexcept
    m_spanAngle = spanAngle;

void QskArcMetrics::setSizeMode( Qt::SizeMode sizeMode ) noexcept
    m_sizeMode = sizeMode;

QskArcMetrics QskArcMetrics::interpolated(
    const QskArcMetrics& to, qreal ratio ) const noexcept
    if ( ( *this == to ) || ( m_sizeMode != to.m_sizeMode ) )
        return to;

    const qreal width = qskInterpolated( m_width, to.m_width, ratio );

    const qreal s1 = qskInterpolated( m_startAngle, to.m_startAngle, ratio );
    const qreal s2 = qskInterpolated( endAngle(), to.endAngle(), ratio );

    return QskArcMetrics( width, s1, s2 - s1, m_sizeMode );

QVariant QskArcMetrics::interpolate(
    const QskArcMetrics& from, const QskArcMetrics& to,
    qreal progress )
    return QVariant::fromValue( from.interpolated( to, progress ) );

QskArcMetrics QskArcMetrics::toAbsolute( const QSizeF& size ) const noexcept
    if ( m_sizeMode != Qt::RelativeSize )
        return *this;

    QskArcMetrics absoluted = *this;

    const auto l = qMin( size.width(), size.height() );
    if ( l <= 0.0 )
        absoluted.m_width = 0.0;
        absoluted.m_width = qskAbsoluted( l, absoluted.m_width );

    absoluted.m_sizeMode = Qt::AbsoluteSize;

    return absoluted;

uint QskArcMetrics::hash( uint seed ) const noexcept
    uint hash = qHash( m_width, seed );
    hash = qHash( m_startAngle, hash );
    hash = qHash( m_spanAngle, hash );

    const int mode = m_sizeMode;
    return qHashBits( &mode, sizeof( mode ), hash );


#include <qdebug.h>

QDebug operator<<( QDebug debug, const QskArcMetrics& metrics )
    QDebugStateSaver saver( debug );

    debug << "QskArcMetrics" << '(';
    debug << metrics.width() << ',' << metrics.sizeMode();
    debug << ",[" << metrics.startAngle() << ',' << metrics.spanAngle() << ']';
    debug << ')';

    return debug;


#include "moc_QskArcMetrics.cpp"

Updated on 28 July 2023 at 14:02:29 CEST