

template <class Rect ,class Value >
qskAlignedRect(const Rect & outerRect, Value width, Value height, Qt::Alignment alignment)
QRect qskAlignedRect(const QRect & outerRect, int width, int height, Qt::Alignment alignment)
QRectF qskAlignedRectF(const QRectF & outerRect, qreal width, qreal height, Qt::Alignment alignment)
QRect qskInnerRect(const QRectF & rect)
QRectF qskInnerRectF(const QRectF & rect)
QRectF qskValidOrEmptyInnerRect(const QRectF & rect, const QMarginsF & margins)
qreal qskDpiScaled(qreal value)
qreal qskHorizontalAdvance(const QFont & font, const QString & text)
qreal qskHorizontalAdvance(const QFontMetricsF & fontMetrics, const QString & text)
qreal qskGlobalScaleFactor()
bool qskHasPlatformWindowManagement()
QRect qskPlatformScreenGeometry(const QScreen * screen)
qreal qskFuzzyFloor(qreal value, qreal stepSize)
qreal qskFuzzyCeil(qreal value, qreal stepSize)

Functions Documentation

function qskAlignedRect

template <class Rect ,
class Value >
static inline Rect qskAlignedRect(
    const Rect & outerRect,
    Value width,
    Value height,
    Qt::Alignment alignment

function qskAlignedRect

QRect qskAlignedRect(
    const QRect & outerRect,
    int width,
    int height,
    Qt::Alignment alignment

function qskAlignedRectF

QRectF qskAlignedRectF(
    const QRectF & outerRect,
    qreal width,
    qreal height,
    Qt::Alignment alignment

function qskInnerRect

QRect qskInnerRect(
    const QRectF & rect

function qskInnerRectF

QRectF qskInnerRectF(
    const QRectF & rect

function qskValidOrEmptyInnerRect

QRectF qskValidOrEmptyInnerRect(
    const QRectF & rect,
    const QMarginsF & margins

function qskDpiScaled

qreal qskDpiScaled(
    qreal value

function qskHorizontalAdvance

qreal qskHorizontalAdvance(
    const QFont & font,
    const QString & text

function qskHorizontalAdvance

qreal qskHorizontalAdvance(
    const QFontMetricsF & fontMetrics,
    const QString & text

function qskGlobalScaleFactor

qreal qskGlobalScaleFactor()

function qskHasPlatformWindowManagement

bool qskHasPlatformWindowManagement()

function qskPlatformScreenGeometry

QRect qskPlatformScreenGeometry(
    const QScreen * screen

function qskFuzzyFloor

qreal qskFuzzyFloor(
    qreal value,
    qreal stepSize

function qskFuzzyCeil

qreal qskFuzzyCeil(
    qreal value,
    qreal stepSize

Source code

#include "QskFunctions.h"

#include <qguiapplication.h>
#include <qmath.h>
#include <qscreen.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qfontmetrics.h>

#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>

    #ifndef foreach
        // qhighdpiscaling_p.h needs it
        #define foreach Q_FOREACH

#include <private/qhighdpiscaling_p.h>

#include <qpa/qplatformintegration.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformscreen.h>

#include <cmath>

template< class Rect, class Value >
static inline Rect qskAlignedRect( const Rect& outerRect,
    Value width, Value height, Qt::Alignment alignment )
    Value x = outerRect.x();
    Value y = outerRect.y();

    switch ( alignment & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask )
        case Qt::AlignHCenter:
            x += ( outerRect.width() - width ) / 2;

        case Qt::AlignRight:
            x += outerRect.width() - width;


    switch ( alignment & Qt::AlignVertical_Mask )
        case Qt::AlignVCenter:
            y += ( outerRect.height() - height ) / 2;

        case Qt::AlignBottom:
            y += outerRect.height() - height;


    return Rect( x, y, width, height );

QRect qskAlignedRect( const QRect& outerRect,
    int width, int height, Qt::Alignment alignment )
    return qskAlignedRect< QRect, int >( outerRect, width, height, alignment );

QRectF qskAlignedRectF( const QRectF& outerRect,
    qreal width, qreal height, Qt::Alignment alignment )
    return qskAlignedRect< QRectF, qreal >( outerRect, width, height, alignment );

QRect qskInnerRect( const QRectF& rect )
    const int left = qCeil( rect.left() );
    const int top = qCeil( );
    const int right = qFloor( rect.right() );
    const int bottom = qFloor( rect.bottom() );

    return QRect( left, top, right - left, bottom - top );

QRectF qskInnerRectF( const QRectF& rect )
    const qreal left = qCeil( rect.left() );
    const qreal top = qCeil( );
    const qreal right = qFloor( rect.right() );
    const qreal bottom = qFloor( rect.bottom() );

    return QRectF( left, top, right - left, bottom - top );

QRectF qskValidOrEmptyInnerRect( const QRectF& rect, const QMarginsF& margins )
    qreal x, y, h, w;

    if ( rect.width() > 0.0 )
        const qreal marginsWidth = margins.left() + margins.right();

        if ( marginsWidth > rect.width() )
            x = rect.x() + rect.width() * ( margins.left() / marginsWidth );
            w = 0.0;
            x = rect.x() + margins.left();
            w = rect.width() - marginsWidth;
        x = rect.x();
        w = 0.0;

    if ( rect.height() > 0.0 )
        const qreal marginsHeight = + margins.bottom();
        if ( marginsHeight > rect.height() )
            y = rect.y() + rect.height() * ( / marginsHeight );
            h = 0.0;
            y = rect.y() +;
            h = rect.height() - marginsHeight;
        y = rect.y();
        h = 0.0;

    return QRectF( x, y, w, h );

qreal qskDpiScaled( qreal value )
    static qreal factor = 0.0;

    if ( factor <= 0.0 )
        if ( const QScreen* screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen() )
            factor = screen->logicalDotsPerInchX();
            factor = 100.0;

        factor /= 96.0;

    return value * factor;

qreal qskHorizontalAdvance( const QFont& font, const QString& text )
    return qskHorizontalAdvance( QFontMetricsF( font ), text );

qreal qskHorizontalAdvance( const QFontMetricsF& fontMetrics, const QString& text )
#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK( 5, 11, 0 )
    return fontMetrics.horizontalAdvance( text );
    return fontMetrics.width( text );

qreal qskGlobalScaleFactor()
    // The value of QT_SCALE_FACTOR
    const QScreen* noScreen = nullptr;
    return QHighDpiScaling::factor( noScreen );

bool qskHasPlatformWindowManagement()
    if ( auto platform = QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration() )
        return platform->hasCapability( QPlatformIntegration::WindowManagement );

    return false;

QRect qskPlatformScreenGeometry( const QScreen* screen )
    if ( screen == nullptr )
        return QRect();

    return screen->handle()->geometry();

qreal qskFuzzyFloor( qreal value, qreal stepSize )
    const double eps = 1.0e-6 * stepSize;

    value = ( value + eps ) / stepSize;
    return std::floor( value ) * stepSize;

qreal qskFuzzyCeil( qreal value, qreal stepSize )
    const double eps = 1.0e-6 * stepSize;

    value = ( value - eps ) / stepSize;
    return std::ceil( value ) * stepSize;

Updated on 28 July 2023 at 14:02:29 CEST