

void qskSendToPlatformContext(QEvent::Type type)
void qskInputContextHook()


QPointer< QskInputContext > qskInputContext

Functions Documentation

function qskSendToPlatformContext

static void qskSendToPlatformContext(
    QEvent::Type type

function qskInputContextHook

static void qskInputContextHook()

Attributes Documentation

variable qskInputContext

static QPointer< QskInputContext > qskInputContext;

Source code

 * QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
 * This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0

#include "QskInputContext.h"
#include "QskInputPanel.h"
#include "QskInputPanelBox.h"

#include "QskDialog.h"
#include "QskLinearBox.h"
#include "QskPopup.h"
#include "QskQuick.h"
#include "QskWindow.h"

#include <qguiapplication.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qpointer.h>

#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>

#include <qpa/qplatforminputcontext.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformintegration.h>

    class Panel final : public QskInputPanel
        Panel( QQuickItem* parent = nullptr )
            : QskInputPanel( parent )
            setAutoLayoutChildren( true );
            setLayoutAlignmentHint( Qt::AlignCenter );

            m_box = new QskInputPanelBox( this );

            connect( m_box, &QskInputPanelBox::keySelected,
                this, &QskInputPanel::keySelected );

            connect( m_box, &QskInputPanelBox::predictiveTextSelected,
                this, &QskInputPanel::predictiveTextSelected );

        void attachItem( QQuickItem* item ) override
            m_box->attachInputItem( item );

        QQuickItem* inputProxy() const override
            return m_box->inputProxy();

        void setPrompt( const QString& prompt ) override
            m_box->setInputPrompt( prompt );

        void setPredictionEnabled( bool on ) override
            m_box->setPanelHint( QskInputPanelBox::Prediction, on );

        void setPrediction( const QStringList& prediction ) override
            m_box->setPrediction( prediction );

        QskInputPanelBox* m_box;

    class Channel
        // item receiving the input
        QPointer< QQuickItem > item;

        // panel for inserting the input
        QPointer< QskInputPanel > panel;

        // popup or window embedding the panel
        QPointer< QskPopup > popup;
        QPointer< QskWindow > window;

    class ChannelTable
        inline Channel* currentChannel() const
            const auto object = QGuiApplication::focusObject();
            return channel( qobject_cast< const QQuickItem* >( object ) );

        inline Channel* channel( const QQuickWindow* window ) const
            if ( window )
                auto it = m_map.constFind( window );
                if ( it != m_map.constEnd() )
                    return const_cast< Channel* >( &it.value() );

            return nullptr;

        inline Channel* channel( const QskInputPanel* panel ) const
            if ( panel )
                QMap< const QQuickWindow*, Channel >::const_iterator it;

                for( it = m_map.constBegin(); it != m_map.constEnd(); ++it )
                    if( it.value().panel == panel )
                        return const_cast< Channel* >( &it.value() );

            return nullptr;

        inline Channel* channel( const QQuickItem* item ) const
            if ( item )
                // item->window() might already been gone
                QMap< const QQuickWindow*, Channel >::const_iterator it;

                for( it = m_map.constBegin(); it != m_map.constEnd(); ++it )
                    if( it.value().item == item )
                        return const_cast< Channel* >( &it.value() );

            return nullptr;

        inline Channel* ancestorChannel( const QQuickItem* item ) const
            for ( auto it = m_map.constBegin();
                it != m_map.constEnd(); ++it )
                if ( const auto panel = it.value().panel )
                    if ( ( item == panel ) || qskIsAncestorOf( panel, item ) )
                        return const_cast< Channel* >( &it.value() );

            return nullptr;

        inline Channel* insert( const QQuickWindow* window )
            return &m_map[ window ];

        inline void remove( const QQuickWindow* window )
            m_map.remove( window );

        QMap< const QQuickWindow*, Channel > m_map;

static QPointer< QskInputContext > qskInputContext;

static void qskSendToPlatformContext( QEvent::Type type )
    const auto platformInputContext =

    if ( platformInputContext )
        QEvent event( type );
        QCoreApplication::sendEvent( platformInputContext, &event );

static void qskInputContextHook()
    qAddPostRoutine( [] { delete qskInputContext; } );


void QskInputContext::setInstance( QskInputContext* inputContext )
    if ( inputContext != qskInputContext )
        const auto oldContext = qskInputContext;
        qskInputContext = inputContext;

        if ( oldContext && oldContext->parent() == nullptr )
            delete oldContext;

        qskSendToPlatformContext( QEvent::PlatformPanel );

QskInputContext* QskInputContext::instance()
    return qskInputContext;

class QskInputContext::PrivateData
    inline QskInputPanel* createPanel( QskInputContext* context ) const
        QskInputPanel* panel = nullptr;

        if ( this->factory )
            panel = this->factory->createPanel();

        if ( panel == nullptr )
            panel = new Panel();

        connect( panel, &QskInputPanel::visibleChanged,
            context, &QskInputContext::activeChanged );

        connect( panel, &QskInputPanel::localeChanged,
            context, [] { qskSendToPlatformContext( QEvent::LocaleChange ); } );

        connect( panel, &QskInputPanel::inputItemDestroyed,
            context, [ context, panel ] { context->hideChannel( panel ); } );

        return panel;

    inline QskPopup* createPopup( QskInputPanel* panel ) const
        auto popup = new QskPopup();

        popup->setAutoLayoutChildren( true );
        popup->setTransparentForPositioner( false );
        popup->setMargins( 5 );
        popup->setModal( true );

        panel->setParentItem( popup );
        if ( panel->parent() == nullptr )
            panel->setParent( popup );

        return popup;

    inline QskWindow* createWindow( QskInputPanel* panel ) const
        auto window = new QskWindow();

        window->setFlags( window->flags() & Qt::Dialog );
        // window->setModality( Qt::ApplicationModal );
        window->setAutoLayoutChildren( true );
#if 0
        window->setFlags( Qt::Tool | Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus );

        panel->setParentItem( window->contentItem() );

        return window;

    void closeChannel( Channel* channel )
        if ( channel->popup )
            channel->popup->close(); // deleteOnClose is set

        if ( channel->window )
            channel->window->close(); // deleteOnClose is set

    ChannelTable channels;
    QPointer< QskInputContextFactory > factory;

    : m_data( new PrivateData() )
    setObjectName( "InputContext" );


void QskInputContext::setFactory( QskInputContextFactory* factory )
    if ( m_data->factory == factory )

    if ( m_data->factory && m_data->factory->parent() == this )
        delete m_data->factory;

    m_data->factory = factory;

    if ( factory && factory->parent() == nullptr )
        factory->setParent( this );

QskInputContextFactory* QskInputContext::factory() const
    return m_data->factory;

QskTextPredictor* QskInputContext::textPredictor( const QLocale& locale )
    if ( m_data->factory )
        return m_data->factory->createPredictor( locale );

    return nullptr;

void QskInputContext::update( const QQuickItem* item, Qt::InputMethodQueries queries )
    if ( item == nullptr )
        // those are coming from QQuickWindow based on focus changes
        item = qobject_cast< QQuickItem* >( QGuiApplication::focusObject() );

    auto channel = m_data-> item );
    if ( channel == nullptr )

    if ( queries & Qt::ImEnabled )
        QInputMethodQueryEvent event( Qt::ImEnabled );
        QCoreApplication::sendEvent( channel->item, &event );

        if ( !event.value( Qt::ImEnabled ).toBool() )
            hidePanel( item );

    channel->panel->updateInputPanel( queries );

QRectF QskInputContext::panelRect() const
        As we can have more than panel at the same time we
        better don't return any geometry

    return QRectF();

void QskInputContext::showPanel( const QQuickItem* item )
    if ( item == nullptr )

    if ( m_data->channels.ancestorChannel( item ) )
        // We are inside of an existing panel

    if ( auto channel = m_data-> item->window() ) )
        if ( channel->item == item )

        hidePanel( channel->item );

    auto panel = m_data->createPanel( this );

    auto channel = m_data->channels.insert( item->window() );
    channel->item = const_cast< QQuickItem* >( item );
    channel->panel = panel;

    if ( QskDialog::instance()->policy() == QskDialog::TopLevelWindow )
        // The input panel is embedded in a top level window

        auto window = m_data->createWindow( panel );

        QSize size = window->sizeConstraint();
        if ( size.isEmpty() )
            // no idea, may be something based on the screen size
            size = QSize( 800, 240 );

        window->resize( size );

        window->setDeleteOnClose( true );

        channel->window = window;
        // The input panel is embedded in a popup

        auto popup = m_data->createPopup( panel );

        popup->setPopupFlag( QskPopup::DeleteOnClose, true );
        popup->setParentItem( item->window()->contentItem() );
        popup->setParent( this );

        channel->popup = popup;


    panel->attachInputItem( const_cast< QQuickItem* >( item ) );

void QskInputContext::hidePanel( const QQuickItem* item )
    if ( item == nullptr )

    if ( auto channel = m_data-> item ) )
        m_data->closeChannel( channel );
        m_data->channels.remove( item->window() );

void QskInputContext::hideChannel( const QskInputPanel* panel )
    if ( auto channel = m_data-> panel ) )
        // channel->item is already dead here
        m_data->closeChannel( channel );
        m_data->channels.remove( panel->window() );

void QskInputContext::setInputPanelVisible( const QQuickItem* item, bool on )
    // called from inside the controls

    if ( item == nullptr )
        item = qobject_cast< QQuickItem* >( QGuiApplication::focusObject() );

    if ( item )
        if ( on )
            showPanel( item );
            hidePanel( item );

bool QskInputContext::isInputPanelVisible() const
    return m_data->channels.currentChannel() != nullptr;

QLocale QskInputContext::locale() const
    if ( auto channel = m_data->channels.currentChannel() )
        if ( channel->panel )
            return channel->panel->locale();

    return QLocale();

void QskInputContext::setFocusObject( QObject* )

void QskInputContext::invokeAction(
    QInputMethod::Action, int cursorPosition )
    // called from qquicktextinput/qquicktextedit
    Q_UNUSED( cursorPosition );

void QskInputContext::commitPrediction( bool )
        called, when the input item loses the focus.
        As it it should be possible to navigate inside of the
        panel what should we do here ?

QskInputContextFactory::QskInputContextFactory( QObject* parent )
    : QObject( parent )


QskTextPredictor* QskInputContextFactory::createPredictor( const QLocale& ) const
    return nullptr;

QskInputPanel* QskInputContextFactory::createPanel() const
    return new Panel();

#include "moc_QskInputContext.cpp"

Updated on 28 July 2023 at 14:02:30 CEST