

void qskRegisterIntervalF()
QskIntervalF qskInterpolated(const QskIntervalF & intv1, const QskIntervalF & intv2, qreal progress)
QDebug operator«(QDebug debug, const QskIntervalF & interval)

Functions Documentation

function qskRegisterIntervalF

static void qskRegisterIntervalF()

function qskInterpolated

static inline QskIntervalF qskInterpolated(
    const QskIntervalF & intv1,
    const QskIntervalF & intv2,
    qreal progress

function operator«

QDebug operator<<(
    QDebug debug,
    const QskIntervalF & interval

Source code

 * QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
 * This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0

#include "QskIntervalF.h"
#include "QskFunctions.h"

#include <qvariant.h>
#include <algorithm>

static void qskRegisterIntervalF()
    qRegisterMetaType< QskIntervalF >();

Q_CONSTRUCTOR_FUNCTION( qskRegisterIntervalF )

static inline QskIntervalF qskInterpolated(
    const QskIntervalF& intv1, const QskIntervalF& intv2, qreal progress )
    const qreal lowerBound = intv1.lowerBound()
        + progress * ( intv2.lowerBound() - intv1.lowerBound() );

    const qreal upperBound = intv1.upperBound()
        + progress * ( intv2.upperBound() - intv1.upperBound() );

    return QskIntervalF( lowerBound, upperBound );

QskIntervalF QskIntervalF::interpolated(
    const QskIntervalF& to, qreal progress ) const noexcept
    return qskInterpolated( *this, to, progress );

QVariant QskIntervalF::interpolate(
    const QskIntervalF& intv1, const QskIntervalF& intv2, qreal progress ) noexcept
    return QVariant::fromValue( qskInterpolated( intv1, intv2, progress ) );

void QskIntervalF::unite( const QskIntervalF& other ) noexcept
    if ( isValid() )
        if ( other.isValid() )
            if ( other.m_lowerBound < m_lowerBound )
                m_lowerBound = other.m_lowerBound;
            else if ( other.m_upperBound > m_upperBound )
                m_upperBound = other.m_upperBound;
        if ( other.isValid() )
            m_lowerBound = other.m_lowerBound;
            m_upperBound = other.m_upperBound;

QskIntervalF QskIntervalF::united( const QskIntervalF& other ) const noexcept
    if ( isValid() )
        if ( other.isValid() )
            const auto min = std::min( m_lowerBound, other.m_lowerBound );
            const auto max = std::max( m_upperBound, other.m_upperBound );

            return QskIntervalF( min, max );
        if ( other.isValid() )
            return other;

    return *this;

QskIntervalF QskIntervalF::intersected( const QskIntervalF& other ) const noexcept
    if ( !isValid() )
        return *this;

    if ( !other.isValid() )
        return other;

    if ( m_lowerBound <= other.m_lowerBound )
        if ( m_upperBound < other.m_lowerBound )
            return QskIntervalF();

        const qreal max = std::min( m_upperBound, other.m_upperBound );
        return QskIntervalF( other.m_lowerBound, max );
        if ( other.m_upperBound < m_lowerBound )
            return QskIntervalF();

        const qreal max = std::min( m_upperBound, other.m_upperBound );
        return QskIntervalF( m_lowerBound, max );

bool QskIntervalF::intersects( const QskIntervalF& other ) const noexcept
    if ( !isValid() || !other.isValid() )
        return false;

    if ( m_lowerBound <= other.m_lowerBound )
        return m_upperBound >= other.m_lowerBound;
        return m_lowerBound <= other.m_upperBound;

void QskIntervalF::extend( qreal value ) noexcept
    if ( !isValid() )
        m_lowerBound = value;
        m_upperBound = value;
    else if ( value < m_lowerBound )
        m_lowerBound = value;
    else if ( value >= m_upperBound )
        m_upperBound = value;

QskIntervalF QskIntervalF::extended( qreal value ) const noexcept
    if ( !isValid() )
        return QskIntervalF( value, value );

    const qreal lower = std::min( value, m_lowerBound );
    const qreal upper = std::max( value, m_upperBound );

    return QskIntervalF( lower, upper );

void QskIntervalF::spanFromLowerBound( qreal value ) noexcept
    if ( !isValid() )
        m_lowerBound = value;
        m_upperBound = value;
        m_lowerBound = value;
        if ( m_lowerBound > m_upperBound )
            m_upperBound = m_lowerBound;

void QskIntervalF::spanFromUpperBound( qreal value ) noexcept
    if ( !isValid() )
        m_lowerBound = value;
        m_upperBound = value;
        m_upperBound = value;
        if ( m_lowerBound > m_upperBound )
            m_lowerBound = m_upperBound;

bool QskIntervalF::fuzzyContains( qreal value ) const
    if ( !isValid() )
        return false;

    if ( ( value < m_lowerBound ) && !qskFuzzyCompare( value, m_lowerBound ) )
        return false;

    if ( ( value > m_upperBound ) && !qskFuzzyCompare( value, m_upperBound ) )
        return false;

    return true;

bool QskIntervalF::fuzzyContains( const QskIntervalF& interval ) const
    if ( !isValid() || !interval.isValid() )
        return false;

    if ( ( interval.m_lowerBound < m_lowerBound )
        && !qskFuzzyCompare( interval.m_lowerBound, m_lowerBound ) )
        return false;

    if ( ( interval.m_upperBound > m_upperBound )
        && !qskFuzzyCompare( interval.m_upperBound, m_upperBound ) )
        return false;

    return true;

bool QskIntervalF::fuzzyIsBoundary( qreal value ) const
    return qskFuzzyCompare( value, m_lowerBound )
        || qskFuzzyCompare( value, m_upperBound );


#include <qdebug.h>

QDebug operator<<( QDebug debug, const QskIntervalF& interval )
    debug.nospace() << "QskIntervalF("
        << interval.lowerBound() << "," << interval.upperBound() << ")";



#include "moc_QskIntervalF.cpp"

Updated on 28 July 2023 at 14:02:29 CEST