

class QskWindowPrivate


void qskResolveLocale(QskWindow * window)
void qskSendEventTo(QObject * object, QEvent::Type type)
QQuickItem * qskDefaultFocusItem(QQuickWindow * window)
int qskToIntegerConstraint(qreal valueF)
void qskSetVisualizationMode(QQuickWindow * window, const QByteArray & mode)
QByteArray qskVisualizationMode(const QQuickWindow * window)
bool qskInheritLocale(QskWindow * window, const QLocale & locale)
QskSkin * qskEffectiveSkin(const QQuickWindow * window)


bool qskEnforcedSkin

Functions Documentation

function qskResolveLocale

static void qskResolveLocale(
    QskWindow * window

function qskSendEventTo

static inline void qskSendEventTo(
    QObject * object,
    QEvent::Type type

function qskDefaultFocusItem

static QQuickItem * qskDefaultFocusItem(
    QQuickWindow * window

function qskToIntegerConstraint

static inline int qskToIntegerConstraint(
    qreal valueF

function qskSetVisualizationMode

static inline void qskSetVisualizationMode(
    QQuickWindow * window,
    const QByteArray & mode

function qskVisualizationMode

static inline QByteArray qskVisualizationMode(
    const QQuickWindow * window

function qskInheritLocale

bool qskInheritLocale(
    QskWindow * window,
    const QLocale & locale

function qskEffectiveSkin

QskSkin * qskEffectiveSkin(
    const QQuickWindow * window

Attributes Documentation

variable qskEnforcedSkin

static bool qskEnforcedSkin = false;

Source code

 * QSkinny - Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Rathmann
 * This file may be used under the terms of the QSkinny License, Version 1.0

#include "QskWindow.h"
#include "QskControl.h"
#include "QskEvent.h"
#include "QskQuick.h"
#include "QskSetup.h"
#include "QskSkin.h"
#include "QskSkinManager.h"

#include <qmath.h>
#include <qpointer.h>

#include <private/qquickitem_p.h>
#include <private/qquickitemchangelistener_p.h>
#include <private/qquickwindow_p.h>
#include <private/qsgrenderer_p.h>

#include <qpa/qwindowsysteminterface.h>
#include <QGuiApplication>



#include <qelapsedtimer.h>
#include <qloggingcategory.h>
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY( logTiming, "qsk.window.timing", QtCriticalMsg )


static void qskResolveLocale( QskWindow* );
static bool qskEnforcedSkin = false;

static inline void qskSendEventTo( QObject* object, QEvent::Type type )
    QEvent event( type );
    QCoreApplication::sendEvent( object, &event );

static QQuickItem* qskDefaultFocusItem( QQuickWindow* window )
    const auto children = qskPaintOrderChildItems( window->contentItem() );
    for ( auto it = children.crbegin(); it != children.crend(); ++it )
        auto child = *it;

        if ( child->isFocusScope() && child->isVisible()
            && child->isEnabled() && child->activeFocusOnTab() )
            return child;

    return window->contentItem()->nextItemInFocusChain( true );

    class ChildListener final : public QQuickItemChangeListener
        void setEnabled( QQuickItem* contentItem, bool on )
            m_contentItem = contentItem;

            const QQuickItemPrivate::ChangeTypes types = QQuickItemPrivate::Children;

            QQuickItemPrivate* p = QQuickItemPrivate::get( contentItem );
            if ( on )
                p->addItemChangeListener( this, types );
                p->removeItemChangeListener( this, types );

        void itemChildAdded( QQuickItem*, QQuickItem* ) override
            QskWindow* window = static_cast< QskWindow* >( m_contentItem->window() );
            if ( window->isExposed() )
                // the child is not fully constructed
                QCoreApplication::postEvent( window, new QEvent( QEvent::LayoutRequest ) );

        QQuickItem* m_contentItem = nullptr;

static inline int qskToIntegerConstraint( qreal valueF )
    int value = -1;

    if ( valueF >= 0.0 )
        if ( valueF >= std::numeric_limits< int >::max() )
            value = std::numeric_limits< int >::max();
            value = ( int ) qCeil( valueF );

    return value;

static inline void qskSetVisualizationMode(
    QQuickWindow* window, const QByteArray& mode )
    auto d = QQuickWindowPrivate::get( window );
    d->visualizationMode = mode;
    d->customRenderMode = mode;

static inline QByteArray qskVisualizationMode( const QQuickWindow* window )
    auto d = QQuickWindowPrivate::get( const_cast< QQuickWindow* >( window ) );
    return d->visualizationMode;
    return d->customRenderMode;
class QskWindowPrivate : public QQuickWindowPrivate
    Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC( QskWindow )

        : preferredSize( -1, -1 )
        , eventAcceptance( QskWindow::EventProcessed )
        , explicitLocale( false )
        , deleteOnClose( false )
        , autoLayoutChildren( true )

    QElapsedTimer renderInterval;

    QPointer< QskSkin > skin;

    ChildListener contentItemListener;
    QLocale locale;

    // minimum/maximum constraints are offered by QWindow
    QSize preferredSize;

    QskWindow::EventAcceptance eventAcceptance;

    bool explicitLocale : 1;
    bool deleteOnClose : 1;
    bool autoLayoutChildren : 1;

QskWindow::QskWindow( QWindow* parent )
    : Inherited( *( new QskWindowPrivate() ), parent )
    QSurfaceFormat fmt = format();
    fmt.setSamples( 4 );
#if 0
    // for QOpenGLDebugLogger
    fmt.setOption( QSurfaceFormat::DebugContext );
    setFormat( fmt );

        So that inheriting/resolving of the locale works
        over all windows and items.
    contentItem()->setProperty( "locale", locale() );

    if ( parent )
        // also when the parent changes TODO ...
        qskResolveLocale( this );

    d_func()->contentItemListener.setEnabled( contentItem(), true );

    if ( !qskEnforcedSkin )
        connect( this, &QQuickWindow::afterAnimating, this, &QskWindow::enforceSkin );

QskWindow::QskWindow( QQuickRenderControl* renderControl, QWindow* parent )
    : QskWindow( parent )
    Q_D( QskWindow );

    d->renderControl = renderControl;
    d->init( this, renderControl );

    // When being used from Qml the item destruction would run in the most
    // unefficient way, leading to lots of QQuickItem::ItemChildRemovedChange
    // depending operations.

    QVector< QPointer< QQuickItem > > items;

    const auto children = contentItem()->childItems();
    for ( auto child : children )
        if ( child->parent() == contentItem() )
            items += child;

    for ( auto& item : qskAsConst( items ) )
        delete item;

void QskWindow::setScreen( const QString& name )
    if ( !name.isEmpty() )
        for ( auto screen : QGuiApplication::screens() )
            if ( screen->name() == name )
                setScreen( screen );

    setScreen( QGuiApplication::primaryScreen() );

void QskWindow::resizeF( const QSizeF& size )
    const int w = static_cast< int >( qCeil( size.width() ) );
    const int h = static_cast< int >( qCeil( size.height() ) );

    resize( w, h );

bool QskWindow::deleteOnClose() const
    Q_D( const QskWindow );
    return d->deleteOnClose;

void QskWindow::setDeleteOnClose( bool on )
    Q_D( QskWindow );

    if ( on != d->deleteOnClose )
        d->deleteOnClose = on;
        Q_EMIT deleteOnCloseChanged();

void QskWindow::setAutoLayoutChildren( bool on )
    Q_D( QskWindow );

    if ( on != d->autoLayoutChildren )
        d->autoLayoutChildren = on;
        if ( on )
            qskSendEventTo( this, QEvent::LayoutRequest );

        Q_EMIT autoLayoutChildrenChanged();

bool QskWindow::autoLayoutChildren() const
    Q_D( const QskWindow );
    return d->autoLayoutChildren;

void QskWindow::addItem( QQuickItem* item )
    if ( item == nullptr )

    item->setParent( contentItem() );
    item->setParentItem( contentItem() );

void QskWindow::polishItems()
    Q_D( QskWindow );

bool QskWindow::event( QEvent* event )
        Qt/Quick is lacking a flag like Qt::WA_NoMousePropagation, so
        the only way to stop propagating of input events is to accept
        the event. Then the window can't decide anymore if someone was
        interested and when to do some fallback handling.
        To improve the situation we add an extra flag in QskWindow,
        while the right class to solve this shortcoming would be QQuickWindow.

    Q_D( QskWindow );
    d->eventAcceptance = EventProcessed;

    switch ( event->type() )
        case QEvent::Show:
            if ( size().isEmpty() )
                QSize sz = sizeConstraint();
                if ( !sz.isEmpty() )
                    sz = sz.expandedTo( minimumSize() );
                    sz = sz.boundedTo( maximumSize() );

                    resize( sz );

        case QEvent::LayoutRequest:
            if ( isExposed() )
        case QEvent::LocaleChange:
            Q_EMIT localeChanged( locale() );
        case QEvent::Close:
            if ( event->isAccepted() )
                if ( d->deleteOnClose )
        case QEvent::UpdateRequest:
            if ( logTiming().isDebugEnabled() )
                if ( !d->renderInterval.isValid() )

                qCDebug( logTiming() ) << "update timer - elapsed"
                    << d->renderInterval.restart() << objectName();


    return Inherited::event( event );

void QskWindow::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* event )
    if ( qskFocusChainIncrement( event ) != 0 )
        auto focusItem = activeFocusItem();
        if ( focusItem == nullptr || focusItem == contentItem() )
                The Qt/Quick implementation for navigating along the
                focus tab chain gives unsufficient results, when the
                starting point is the root item. In this specific
                situation we also have to include all items being
                tab fences into consideration.

                In certain situations Qt/Quick gets even stuck in a non
                terminating loop: see Qt-Bug 65943

                So we better block the focus navigation and find the
                next focus item on our own.
            ensureFocus( Qt::TabFocusReason );


    Inherited::keyPressEvent( event );

void QskWindow::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent* event )
    Inherited::keyReleaseEvent( event );

void QskWindow::exposeEvent( QExposeEvent* event )
    ensureFocus( Qt::OtherFocusReason );

    Inherited::exposeEvent( event );

void QskWindow::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* event )
    Inherited::resizeEvent( event );

    if ( isExposed() )

QLocale QskWindow::locale() const
    Q_D( const QskWindow );
    return d->locale;

void QskWindow::setLocale( const QLocale& locale )
    Q_D( QskWindow );

    d->explicitLocale = true;

    if ( d->locale != locale )
        d->locale = locale;
        qskSendEventTo( this, QEvent::LocaleChange );
        qskSetup->inheritLocale( this, locale );

void QskWindow::resetLocale()
    Q_D( QskWindow );

    d->explicitLocale = false;
    qskResolveLocale( this );

bool qskInheritLocale( QskWindow* window, const QLocale& locale )
    auto d = static_cast< QskWindowPrivate* >( QQuickWindowPrivate::get( window ) );

    if ( d->explicitLocale || d->locale == locale )
        return false;

    d->locale = locale;
    qskSendEventTo( window, QEvent::LocaleChange );

    return true;

static void qskResolveLocale( QskWindow* window )
    auto d = static_cast< QskWindowPrivate* >( QQuickWindowPrivate::get( window ) );

    const QLocale locale = qskSetup->inheritedLocale( window );

    if ( d->locale != locale )
        d->locale = locale;
        qskSendEventTo( window, QEvent::LocaleChange );

        qskSetup->inheritLocale( window, locale );

void QskWindow::setPreferredSize( const QSize& size )
    Q_D( QskWindow );
    d->preferredSize = size;

QSize QskWindow::preferredSize() const
    Q_D( const QskWindow );
    return d->preferredSize;

QSize QskWindow::sizeConstraint() const
    Q_D( const QskWindow );

    QSizeF constraint = d->preferredSize;

    if ( !constraint.isValid() )
        const bool doWidth = constraint.width() < 0;
        const bool doHeight = constraint.height() < 0;

        const auto children = contentItem()->childItems();
        for ( auto child : children )
            if ( auto control = qskControlCast( child ) )
                const QSizeF itemConstraint = control->sizeConstraint();

                if ( doWidth )
                    constraint.setWidth( qMax( constraint.width(), itemConstraint.width() ) );

                if ( doHeight )
                    constraint.setHeight( qMax( constraint.height(), itemConstraint.height() ) );

    // QWindow geometries are in integers

    return QSize( qskToIntegerConstraint( constraint.width() ),
        qskToIntegerConstraint( constraint.height() ) );

void QskWindow::setFixedSize( const QSize& size )
    // ????
    setMinimumSize( size );
    setMaximumSize( size );

void QskWindow::layoutItems()
    Q_D( QskWindow );

    if ( !d->autoLayoutChildren )

    const QRectF rect = qskItemGeometry( contentItem() );

    const auto children = contentItem()->childItems();
    for ( auto child : children )
        if ( !qskIsTransparentForPositioner( child ) )
            const auto r = qskConstrainedItemRect( child, rect );
            qskSetItemGeometry( child, r );

void QskWindow::ensureFocus( Qt::FocusReason reason )
    auto focusItem = contentItem()->scopedFocusItem();

    if ( focusItem == nullptr )
        focusItem = qskDefaultFocusItem( this );
        if ( focusItem )
            focusItem->setFocus( true, reason );

void QskWindow::setCustomRenderMode( const char* mode )
    class RenderJob final : public QRunnable
        RenderJob( QQuickWindow* window, const QByteArray mode )
            : m_window( window )
            , m_mode( mode )

        void run() override
            qskSetVisualizationMode( m_window, m_mode );

            auto d = QQuickWindowPrivate::get( m_window );
            if ( d->renderer )
                delete d->renderer->rootNode();
                delete d->renderer;
                d->renderer = nullptr;

                QMetaObject::invokeMethod( m_window, "update" );

        QQuickWindow* m_window;
        const QByteArray m_mode;

    const QByteArray newMode( mode );

    const auto oldMode = qskVisualizationMode( this );

    if ( newMode != oldMode )
            batch renderer uses an optimized memory allocation strategy,
            that is disabled, when a customRenderMode is enabled.
            This seems to be the reason for crashes, when changing the mode
            at runtime. The code above tries to get rid of all memory
            from the previous allocation strategy by deleting the renderer
            after swapping.

        if ( newMode.isEmpty() != oldMode.isEmpty() )
            scheduleRenderJob( new RenderJob( this, newMode ), AfterSwapStage );
            qskSetVisualizationMode( this, newMode );


const char* QskWindow::customRenderMode() const
    return qskVisualizationMode( this );

void QskWindow::enforceSkin()
    if ( !qskEnforcedSkin )
        // usually the skin is set in the application startup code, but if not
        // let's create a default skin on the GUI thread - whatever it is
        // good for.

        ( void ) qskSetup->skin();
        qskEnforcedSkin = true;

    disconnect( this, &QQuickWindow::afterAnimating, this, &QskWindow::enforceSkin );

void QskWindow::setEventAcceptance( EventAcceptance acceptance )
    d_func()->eventAcceptance = acceptance;

QskWindow::EventAcceptance QskWindow::eventAcceptance() const
    return d_func()->eventAcceptance;

void QskWindow::setSkin( const QString& skinName )
    // we should compare the skinName with the previous one
    auto skin = QskSkinManager::instance()->createSkin( skinName );
    setSkin( skin );

void QskWindow::setSkin( QskSkin* skin )
    Q_D( QskWindow );

    if ( d->skin == skin )

    if ( d->skin )
        if ( d->skin->parent() == this )
            delete d->skin;

    if ( skin && skin->parent() == nullptr )
        skin->setParent( this );

    d->skin = skin;

QskSkin* QskWindow::skin() const
    return d_func()->skin;

QskSkin* qskEffectiveSkin( const QQuickWindow* window )
    if ( auto w = qobject_cast< const QskWindow* >( window ) )
        if ( auto skin = w->skin() )
            return skin;

    return qskSetup->skin();

#include "moc_QskWindow.cpp"

Updated on 28 July 2023 at 14:02:30 CEST