QSkinny - Using QSkinny and QML

Combining QSkinny and QML is possible: Since both QML elements and QSkinny controls derive from QQuickItem, they can be combined and arranged in a common app. The QSkinny buttons example shows how QSkinny controls can be used from QML.

When using a QSkinny control, all the methods exposed as either properties, slots or invokables can be used in QML. For example, the QSkinny control QskLinearBox defines the following properties:

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class QSK_EXPORT QskLinearBox : public QskIndexedLayoutBox
    Q_PROPERTY( Qt::Orientation orientation READ orientation WRITE setOrientation NOTIFY orientationChanged FINAL )
    Q_PROPERTY( qreal spacing READ spacing WRITE setSpacing RESET resetSpacing NOTIFY spacingChanged FINAL )

The QskLinearBox class is registered to QML as Qsk.LinearBox via Qt’s qmlRegisterType, so the exposed properties orientation and spacing can be used like this:

    orientation: Qt.Horizontal
    spacing: 10

    // here define elements inside the box

The full Buttons example is depicted below.

Buttons example
Figure 1. The buttons example shows how to mix QSkinny and QML

For more information on using C++ classes from QML, see the article about exposing attributes of C++ types to QML in the Qt documentation.